chapter 56

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Reaper Chara extend her hand and squeezed it, suddenly Siceles couldn't move anymore, he struggles but can't do much.

R!Chara: I don't want that useless scrap metal when you are way more efficient. You brought me so many more souls in such a short span of time.

Siceles eyes flared and he forced his neck to turn around and glare menacingly at R!Chara, she saw that and instead of fear she felt pleasure, the pleasure of having such effect on him. She smiled and scythe out started making it spin faster and faster until we couldn't see it besides melted images. She closes with Siceles really slowly taking her time.

R!Chara: Ok, ok, I want to play one last game. You will see it won't be hard at all.

She freed him and he teleported away to reappear above her, guns out he shot but she blocked the bullets and squeezed her hand again, he was paralyzed and she cut through his neck like butter but not doing any damages.

R!Chara: Like that you will listen.

Siceles looked everywhere in panic and fell unable to move, he was lying on the ground and she went crouching next to him.

R!Chara: We could get along so well when you stop useless struggles.

Siceles tried to make his mouth live to speak he couldn't.

R!Chara: My last little game if you want to will be simple. I know someone is targeting you and even sent a real menace on you. I have a proposition to do, one last favor from me.

Siceles eyes went blank and she took that as a yes.

Siceles(to himself): You can say please too, that works. . . . . In general.

R!Chara thought a bit a finger in front of her mouth making her even more childish. She raised her finger in the sky as if she was thinking about the game.

R!Chara: The last game, the last game. A sudden death and I will grant you your wish. You will go fight whoever this guy is, if you win, I break all the precedent deal and you are free from the curse but if you loose. . . . . I will make you my puppet forever to play with and lock you in this curse forever, do you agree.

She free him and instead of teleporting away he just sit on the ground. He looked at his body feeling it completely and then his neck which was unphased and not even injured at all.

Siceles: What did you do?

He turn his head around and finish nose against nose with her, he went a little backward.

R!Chara: A trick, that's all. After all the death you brought it's normal that I can affect you but if it wasn't for the deal, with your former power, you would be able to kill me.

Siceles eyes were lively again and he stood up, she followed, he grabbed his neck and looked at the ground thinking.

Siceles(to himself): I think I can win that game, he is certainly dangerous but I am even more, just gonna have to be a bit more crazy.

He looked from the corner of his eye at R!Chara and nodded. She made her Scythe spin around and then cut right through Siceles' neck again but this time black brambles appeared.

Siceles touched his neck and felt them getting inside his neck to become a tattoo.

R!Chara: I consider fleeing as a defeat, and this was made for me instantly kill anyone with it under a deal.

Siceles sighed and opened a rift under the artifact, extended his arm on the side and opened another rift above to make the katana fall in his hand.

Siceles: I think I can do it with your incomplete Yamato.

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