chapter 7: Fear and illusion

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In the antivoid Fear and Omni were fighting each other and Siceles was observing his opponent which he didn't know a lot about. Vendevras joined Siceles and Omni was struggling against Fear!Sans who was getting his fun and looked at Siceles.

Fear: You are next!

Siceles smiled and he closed his left eye, the other one was flaring. He was adapting to his opponent's strength to not overpower him too hard.

Siceles: I am sure Omni can get you.

Omni was sweating, each time Fear swung his scythe he threatened to destroy this Reality, Siceles was fixing it every time and it annoyed Fear.


Omni went 100%, struck Fear in the stomach with a Zeus gauntlet, it had the effect of partially disintegrating Fear who felt weakened but no pain, This Reality took a hard hit as half the Multiverses Shattered on this one. Fear regenerated his missing half, landed before rushing back at Omni who prepared a Zeus Rocket that he threw at him, Fear swung his scythe downward cutting the Rocket but Omni went away, blitzed full speed at his face punching him. Fear adapted to that and used the fear as a whip he twisted around Omni arm's burning it severely, Omni was crying out of pain

Fear: I love these sounds.

Fear prepared his scythe to cut Omni in 2, Omni summoned a Thorn blaster behind Fear and fired before he could swing his scythe, Omni was a bit hurt but healed himself.



Omni summoned clouds above striking Fear who was stunned again, Omni continued with a kick in the stomach, tens Thorn blaster and a Zeus Rocket, as Fear was stunned he could only look at the attacks approaching and he smiled even more, Omni fired all, Fear stopped the paralyzing effect on 1 arm, stopped his course landing on his weakened legs, he summoned a black mist of Fear, everything went in but nothing left it, the mist got swept away, Omni was shocked, Fear wasn't paralyzed anymore rushed at Omni swinging his scythe tens of times disintegrated parts and parts of the antivoid, Omni got hit at the arm and the legs but he protected himself with Thorns bone. Fear cut them, tried to cut Omni but he felt some of his limbs cut down Omni smiled, with his starting to melt skull but nothing dangerous, he grabbed Fear's legs with his Zeus gauntlet which were disintegrating, threw him away at more Thorn blaster.


Fear was enjoying it even more, he took the hit due to the paralyzing effect, he rolled away regenerating slowly.

Siceles: OK, if this continues I will have to stop you, Realities are shattering around, Monoles, Cydron and Estres are in some of these.

Omni nodded.

Omni: I don't think I can kill him but I will at least weaken him to a point.

Siceles helped Omni a bit, he boosted him with a percentage of his weakened power. Omni was smiling and confident.

Omni: You know what? I will strike him down.

Fear stood up as he wasn't paralyzed and all this time he was preparing an immunity to paralyzing effects.

Fear: I will end this quickly.

Fear rushed at Omni with the same technique, he swung his scythe to destabilize Omni and touched almost all his limbs. Fear felt something was bad and stopped his course, Omni snapped and instantly healed, he went overcharged 120% blitzed at Fear striking him in the stomach, it blasted his upper body off, Fear was shocked by the strength but Omni was melting faster, Fear's lower body got sent far away and Omni was a knee on the ground some parts of his skull melting on the ground he stopped and focused on healing.

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