chapter 10: Conflict

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Back in Godverse Koavire saw Fear giving up in front of Siceles.

Koavire: What bullshit. . . How could he?

He then looked at everything to look for an explanation but he was caught in surprise by Siceles ability to restore Realities and he also got caught in surprise when he saw A stranger causing irreversible damages to a Reality.

Koavire: What are they.

Hope: You saw something?

Koavire: There isn't one danger but 2. Another one of these skeletons is causing massive damages.

Hope: He isn't related to the first one?

Koavire tries to analyze both of them but Siceles doesn't accept it while Cydron doesn't care.

Koavire: It's strange. The other one's name is Cydron but the first one. . . He managed to block my ability.

Hope: He must be really dangerous then, if even you can't see that.

Koavire: What about King?

Hope: 2 hours ago he was calming down in hope to not miss this chance.

Koavire: Whatever this idiot won't be of much help.

Hope: You already have a plan?

Koavire: I want to test him first, even tho he defeated Fear, he ain't that much for me. I want to call him.

Hope understood the order and disappeared, Koavire went looking at Siceles again and got the same treatment.

Koavire: F0CK YOU!

Hope went to an obscure place with no light but his own, he walked for a bit to meet someone Koavire banned in this place.

Hope: He wants you to wreck havoc.

??? laughed out loud disturbing Hope, he stood up and looked at Hope.

???: Did he lose his logical sense?

Hope: There is another danger in our Omniverse and we need to get rid of that but King Godverse wants you to go put him down.

??? smiled, walked toward Hope to be restrained and pulled backward by King Godverse chains.

???: What do I win in that? After all this place is kind of soothing if we forget that I didn't choose to be here.

Hope: Just listen to the orders. You don't have anything to lose and I am sure you are bored after this many years here.

??? smiled and sat to listen. Hope was a bit annoyed but didn't have time for that.

Hope: There is a threat "hiding" in the Omniverse, we know where but even King can't go there.

???: Koavire or Omniverse?

Hope: Both can't.

???: So you propose me to go somewhere even the both of them can't go when they sealed me here?

Hope: About that.

Hope snapped his fingers and ??? was free, he stood up, stretched and looked at Hope with a smile.


Hope was aware he would react like that and took out a cube to show it to ??? he flinched a bit and fell weakened.


Hope: They gave me that to repress you if you don't listen.

??? is now extremely mad, he stood up and even tho he is weakened, rushed at Hope to cut him to pieces with his claws. Hope used his hope magic to pin ??? to the ground and threw the cube on him.

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