chapter 39: Prediction

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Lucius entered The Eden orb, looking at the multitudes of realities within it, he also took a look at himself. His tattoos didn't disappear and his body wasn't marked by the chains that held him back, he touched the thing on his neck and tried to take it off but it tear his spine apart with it. He stopped and sat.

Lucius: So long. . . . .

A smile was sketched on his face as he looked at the Realities like stars in the sky.

Lucius: They took even that from me for so long.

He leaned on the ground, it is as cold as the one he was sleeping on for so long, the comfort brought by the presence of light made him gain some sanity back.

Lucius: Doesn't seem like he is watching.

Putting his hand on his torso he took a heart necklace but made out of his chains, he made it shine at the light and sighed to stand back up.

Lucius: And so I am forced again to be what I am not.

He started walking and trying to track the being, he paused an instant as he doesn't even know how he could recognize his energy.

Lucius: All I know is that, he is strong and in here not more.

He continued and looked everywhere for him. On the other side Siceles and Fear went back to the pocket dimension, Siceles had his usual smile and his hands in his pocket while Fear was looking at him from the corner of his eye.

Fear:. . . . . And so where are we?

Siceles: Just my place, I didn't want to be disturbed by some annoyances coming.

Fear shrugged as he didn't feel anything and they reached the bar stand, Siceles went inside and grabbed something he threw at Fear, Fear was confused of what it was and looked curious at Siceles.

Siceles: Oh don't worry, just a thing I am use to drink now, you see the metal tab, pull it up and it will pop off.

Fear look and he tried to grab and it, he took off his gloves and tried to sneak his thin fingers in to just erase the upper part with his hand. Siceles laughed a bit at his struggle, Fear didn't find it any funny and they continued walking.

Siceles: You had information you said, whatever if you want to say it or not, I will get them to leave me alone from a way or another.

Fear's smile was a bit fading as he sees Siceles way too confident in that.

Fear: Do we speak about the same person?

Siceles shrugged and smiled like nothing.

Siceles: I don't know who they are but I won't let them ruin me.

They reached the door of the fort and Siceles opened the doors. When he stepped inside, Fear saw everything that could somehow please the eyes, from vanities to precious gemstones and gold, rivers and life inside 4 Walls of brick. Siceles saw his interest and tapped his back kindly.

Siceles: I think I got this taste from what I read about royalty and as I know you want to take over the throne, this view must be amazing and strange too.

Fear nodded and he looked in the river to see fishes swimming, he squatted and tried to touch the water, it was the first time he felt a sensation like that.

Fear: What is that?

Siceles was looking at Omni and Exit saying him to flee to them and he said yes to Fear instinctively before signaling the others to come with a hand sign.

Siceles: You spoke about?

Fear: This thing that is calm and rude at the same time, is it someone?

Siceles went next to him and squatted.

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