chapter 12: Sub hero

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Demet was flying over and Clectos joined her, they looked at Uris battle form. It is a full covering armor in compacted ice with 2 holes for the eyes, both his eyes were blue and cold smoke was coming from these, his chest plate was reinforced with a blue soul on it and a red dot in the middle growing a little bit as the time passes, the rest of his armor is also in compacted ice and an absolute zero degree gas is coming out of it covering the whole battlefield and getting even colder as you are close to Uris, Freca smiled and heat up completely increasing the frost bite but also making him able to go all out, Hessis wasn't in clothes permitting her to stay around so Gerok teleported with her out of it, Calego's flames were extinguishing and he was turning into an ice statue.

Freca: Calego, he is mine now.

He didn't try to search more and turned into a fireball fleeing at Gerok's direction.

Uris(Absolute Coldness): You sure are confident when I never show it to you.

Freca shrugged.

Freca: What would be life without any surprise, now show me this ice heart you are so proud about.

Uris rushed at him a compacted ice spear and Freca extended his jousting spear to the max length or 6 feet long, he pierced space at Uris direction but it barely pierced his regenerating armor. Uris reached Freca and grabbed his jousting spear freezing it completely along with Freca's arm, he continued by piercing Freca's shoulder freezing his other arm, he kicked him and froze his chest, Freca was feeling immense frostbite but he heated up even more to melt the ice, manage to press a button on his jousting spear which activate a turbine producing a lot of heat, Uris gauntlet was melting so he dropped the spear punched Freca in the face to freeze his head off completely, he smiled and went backward to see the results.

Uris: Not that tough after all.

Freca was falling due to a lack of connexion between his head and the rest of his body but he quickly felt his slow heart beat, the gas around freezing his lungs and his burning desire to defeat Uris, he backflip back on his feet, smiled and shattered the ice on his face.


Arachnea felt the cold of Uris and didn't appreciate it at all, she aimed at where she could feel him and shot another purple string. Freca charged at full speed at Uris with his jousting spear ready to impale him and Uris was ready to block the attack with a wall of compacted ice, the moment Freca struck the wall they both got impaled by the purple strings in the torso and their torso started to turn purple, Clectos saw a purple string going through the wall like nothing and he was just impressed by the smoothness of the string, he looked at the frozen area and saw that both Uris and Freca were like frozen on place not moving, he charged a healing spell but Gerok intervened stop him, he took out a bone sword, punched Clectos away and tried to cut Demet's arm off but she blocked with a plasma sword, she cut the sword and tried to cut Gerok who teleported away and then behind her to slash her back, she took out a blaster and tried to calculate her dead angle she found it and Gerok smiled as he teleported at the opposite location to stab Demet's ice stomach and shatter it. Clectos crashed in the ice arena and stood up freezing slowly, his flames not being hot enough, it weakened his power as the poison is multiplying in his body instead of being purified, he tried to teleport away but the poison caught him and paralyzed him, Uris was trying to stop the poison propagation by freezing it while Freca used the poison as an adrenaline shot to headbutt the ice wall piercing it to reach Uris always struggling with poison.

Freca: GOT YOU!

Uris stopped his actions and let, the remaining not frozen poison, propagating in his veins, he didn't feel anything and blocked Freca's attempt to stab him before evading and throwing a 2 ice spear exploding in a massive ice ball trapping Freca, he rolled and stood up before trying to shatter the ball and kill Freca but the poison caught him, he started spitting blood through his mask and through his eyes, the determination dot on his chest was growing faster and faster.

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