chapter 18: Chivalry sacrifice.

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They were both heading to the castle and Freca saw people always alive but under rumble, he went helping them first.

Freca(to himself): There are a lot but I can't let them die here.

Uris was ice skating and he jumped as he felt something approaching dangerously, it was a bone which shattered the ground like nothing, Uris threw Spears at 20R direction and 20R thought he could parry them with his bare hands to get frozen.

20R: Interesting power.

He shattered it with low effort but the frost burn did some damage, as his body is at all time cold the frost is one his weakness weakening his bones structure and making him as fragile as glass for a really short amount of time before regenerating back.

Uris(to himself): Will be one hell of a payback.

20R: Come forth heroes of this world. I want your people to see how badly I will beat you up.

Uris was jumping between buildings and houses to avoid 20R bones destroying everything and shattering chunks of the world structure. He looked at the castle and decided to go all out.

???: Prince, please help us.

Uris saw people under the rumble of falling buildings and got distracted. 20R struck him away.


Uris got pinned to the ground but formed an ice armor to stop the bones, it didn't prevent it from completely obliterating his ribs, he froze them and he didn't feel any pain anymore.

Uris: Welp. . . Fock that.

He bone was coming and he deviated it with a spear, the spear shattered and the bone barely got deviated brushing and injuring his cheek.

Uris: What a mess, a strong opponent on a party day.

He jumped and deviated every incoming bone, he joined the survivors of the bone strikes and tried to help them while always deviating raining bones.

20R: a really combative cockroach.

He summoned a blaster and aimed it at Uris, Uris saw a shining light coming from the castle and thought about a heavy laser weapon, he went on the rumble and formed a giant ice wall, 20R smiled at that and shot, the ray wasn't really impressive but the explosion at the contact of the ice shield disintegrated most infrastructures outside the shield while breaking it but Uris formed another ice shield redirecting the damages to him and he tanked everything, his bones cracking and bleeding from everywhere it is possible he saved some people but lost a lot and fell unconscious due to his injuries.

20R: One out, the second is.

Freca: HERE!

He stabbed 20R but he missed and scratched his cheek, 20R grabbed the spear and pulled Freca to him before punching him in the face but he didn't move that much while the upper half of the castle collapsed. Freca was mad and 20R smiled at him even more.

20R: You must be perfect as a minion, your sturdiness, I want it under my orders.

Freca: NEVER!

He punched 20R while almost max heat up and started beating him up, he grabbed him and struck him three times at the face before 20R stopped his fist and pressed the back of his hand, Freca was paralyzed, 20R twisted his arm and kicked Freca stomach while always maintaining his arm to tear it off. Freca was in inimaginable pain for him, 20R was just appreciating the spectacle of his power overwhelming his adversary. He kicked him again and this time he let his hand, Freca crashed in walls and landed in the garden where Ursula and Jerus were frozen, he used his Chivalry soul to free them by filling them with bravery.

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