chapter 11: Ice and Fire

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Uris and Demet are heading to their enemies while slaying the little gods trying to block their way, Demet with powerful solar rays annihilating life on his way and Uris freezing everyone to a point of no return. Arachnea was in a little house held by some of her slaves, she is an alternate version of Muffet, her black hair finish with purple tips, she wears a provocative dress in red and pink with a long scarf attached to the forearms. She is 5"9 and her name is the poison witch, she is now sitting with her generals in the house talking.

Arachnea: This walk to the center Godverse is just too silent for me.

Gerok: This is because you have the best plan my queen.

Arachnea: We are getting slowed down?

Gerok sweat a bit and Shaked in fear.

Gerok: We can't hide anything from you, we are having a bit of a problem.

Arachnea glared at Gerok who was sweating big drops.

Gerok: We won't fail you. These are just annoyance on our way.

Arachnea: I want to be able to go forth as soon as possible.

Gerok and the other generals went out to the Frontline. Arachnea was lying down on her bed in squishy mattress.

Arachnea(to herself): I shall admit this little being caused more good than bad to me, bad news is only for few that his existence isn't a threat.

Uris and Demet wiped nearly half the army with low difficulties and when Uris was about to stab the ground but he felt something heading his way and dashed on side to avoid, he looked at the thing almost crashing into him and threw a spear at him, Freca deviate the spear with his jousting spear to rush back to an impressive speed at Uris who summoned spear from the ground to froze the zone and slow down Freca but it has the opposite effect of boosting his speed and this time Uris got injured on the cheek and Freca was smoking a bit.

Freca: How do we meet again?

Some other sbires tried to jump on Uris but he froze them up with spears and swung his spear to form an ice wall behind his back.

Uris: YOU!

Freca: Why is that expression on your face?

Uris rushed at Freca and Freca did the same at an impressive speed but didn't stab him, only charged at his stomach sending him crash in the ice wall shattering and then on a long distance where he froze everyone touching or brushing him. Freca was smoking again and his frozen shoulder was unfreezing quickly.

Freca: At least I can go all out against you.

Demet was slaughtering people here and there and she spotted Freca.

Demet: Hello! Did you come to see me?

Freca looked at Demet and was surprised.

Freca: Why didn't you join us? After all, Arachnea promised us a great place in the capital and power among her close friends.

Demet: I don't like her at all. She really is a b*tch.

Uris stood up quickly and Threw a spear at Freca, he avoided it with difficulties as he wasn't focused and got hit at the arm freezing it partially. He was smiling a bit annoyed and Demet didn't really care.

Demet: Good luck with that.

She went slaughtering more people when she got shot at the head by a ray, her view was smoked but most importantly, her face was scratched.


Hessis: Must be me then.

Demet looked at her and smiled arrogantly.

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