The Last Battle, part 1

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Abbie's POV

"We're close. I see it. They're right ahead!" Kaiden yells through our mind link as we continue to run. I looked up, and I could see the war unfolding.

But my eyes widen as I hear Elora yelling, and a giant bird-like creature flies high up, holding Anthony in his claws, making my eyes widen in horror.

"Hunter!" I yell, making him look up.

I shift onto Merida, and Titus comes out, running at full speed. "Hurry, when I strike, you need to catch him, ok?" Titus says as my nerves go wild. Merida nods and runs at full speed.

I see Matisa. She's strangled Elora with one hand using her magic, and she's holding Elena in the other hand.

Elena's aura is weak; I can see it, which means she was probably poisoned. But my main concern is Anthony right now. I'm sorry, Mom, I'm sorry, Auntie.

"Don't worry, you go get Anthony. I will take care of this bitch." Emily says as she shifts onto her white wolf. My eyes widen as I see her.

"She... she looks just like me. I thought... I was the last one!" Merida says as Emily's wolf runs at full speed. It's a massive white wolf with her fur engulfed in a white aura, almost making her look light. Her fur was translucent.

"Ok, Kaiden, Ash, we need a distraction. Go and take care of those warlocks. Now!" Emily calls out.

I run faster... well... Merida runs quicker, but you get what I mean.

Titus climbs a tall tree fast and then launches straight at the giant bird, making it squeal and letting Anthony drop. I gasp and leap to catch him. My body slides just in time to catch Anthony. He lands right on top of my fur, making me sigh.

"Anthony... are you okay?" Merida asks, which relieves me.

"Wow... Merida, .. Is this you?" he asks, wide-eyed as he holds Merida's fur.

"Yeah, buddy. Are you ok?"

"I am. Thank you for saving me, Merida. Thank you, mommy. I knew it. I knew you'd come to rescue us." he says, hugging Merida tightly.

"Okay, now... you need to get out of here. I need you to get to safety, so I'm turning you over to a friend, okay!?" Merida says as she walks toward a small brown wolf. "Ok," his little voice says, making me cry.

I want to hug him so bad. But I can't. I need to shift back and help Elora and Emily.

"Anthony, this is Trixy; she's a friend. Her human is Jennifer. You know who she is, right?" Merida asks, making his little pouty face. He gets off Merida and walks to Trixy.

"Yeah. She's Chloe's mom. I've met her before." he says, caressing Trixy's hair.

"Good. Then you know she will take good care of you. Stay with her, no matter what, ok?" Merida instructs, helping him climb on Trixy's back.

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