She's Mine!

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Abbie's POV

I grit my teeth as I look toward the exit. The room is now destroyed, at least most of it is, anyway. There's debris everywhere, and even the king ended up getting hurt by all the shit that flew everywhere.

I can't help the fury building in me, making me fist my hands.

My aura slowly dims away, making me gasp as I fall to my knees and cry.

"Abbie, we will find her. I promise we will get Anthony back. I promise!" Elora says, making me angry again.

I lose control over my anger, grabbing her by her throat and lifting her off the floor. My aura ignites again, making her eyes widen in shock. "Abbie...please... she has... my sister...too!" she says, struggling to breathe as I tighten my grip on her neck. My nails elongated, puncturing her skin, making her eyes go to the back of her neck as she began to turn purple.

"Abbie! No. She's... she's your mom!" Titus says as he looks at me worriedly, making me growl.

"You listen to me, Elora. If Matisa dares hurt Anthony or she does anything... Anything at all to my family... I will personally kill you. And I'll kill Elena too if Matisa hasn't killed her already. I don't give a flying fuck that she's the queen." I said, piercing one more nail in her skin, making her gasp for air as she gripped my hand tightly.

"I don't care whether you're my mother and she's my aunt or whatnot! If I don't get to Anthony on time, you and your sister will pay!" I say as I feel an energy surging through my body. I throw her with a force that ignites through my hand, making her land across the room and hitting her back on debris.

"Ok! That was fucking cool. Your aura is fire... just like your dad's Abbie!" Merida says, making me growl.

Elora's warriors are ready to strike me, but Hunter and our warriors are quicker, stepping in front of me and shielding me as they snarl.

"Touch our Luna, and you'll start a new war against us. Now back off." Henry says as he stands next to Hunter's wolf, Titus.

"She attacked our alpha first. She needs to be taught a lesson!" a warrior says as he prepares to fight.

"No!" Elora says as she holds her hand up, making her warriors pause. "Don't hurt her. She's still my daughter and your next queen," she says, making them step back. "But, Alpha!"

"I said... back... OFF!" she demands in her alpha tone, making them lower their head as they step back.

"Don't think we're on good terms because you made them retreat. I'm still coming after you if Anthony gets hurt." I threatened, making her look at me with saddened eyes. "I'm sorry, Abbie. I never meant for things to"

"I don't care! You've been warned." I shift onto Merida and run out of the room, leaving everyone behind. "Abbie!"

"ABBIE!" I hear Hunter yelling for me faintly, but I order Merida to keep running. I won't stop until I find Matisa and finish her. I will kill everyone who dares lay a hand on Anthony.

But first, I needed to find out where she had taken my son. I can hear Titus running closer and closer, making Merida growl.

"I'm not leaving you, Merida. Look at me!" Titus says as he jumps in front of me, making me stop.

"Back off, Titus!"

"No! Now stop being a fucking stubborn wolf. Listen to me!" he says as he stomps his feet.

"I'll be as stubborn as I need to protect my human and her kid! Now whether you're with me or not, I'm going after that fucking hag. So, MOVE!" Merida growls, making Titus growl louder, stomping louder on his front paws.

"MERIDA, ABBIE, AND HUNTER ARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY; STOP YOUR FOOLISHNESS. We... are their primary advocates. We stick together and protect them... Together! Understand?" Titus says as I resent the way I pushed Hunter away earlier.

"Then prove it. Fight with me, and kill that bitch and her fuck boy!"

"I will. We... will. Together. But that won't happen if we work in a divided manner. We stay together. So I make sure your stubborn ass and Abbie stay safe. Got it?" Titus growls, making Merida flinch.

"I don't want to lose you, Merida. You and Abbie mean a lot to Himter and me.

Merida whimpers, lowering her head. She can be a stubborn pup, and I mean very... very stubborn—more than me. But I know she's just trying to protect and look out for me and my family.

"We stick together, just like our humans have up to now. They love each other. And I love you, Merida. We don't want to lose you guys. Now, please... let us help!" Titus says, making Merida look at him and whimper.

"Ok. Ok, I'm sorry," Merida says, letting Titus come close and allowing him to brush the side of his face against hers. She whimpers happily before they take off again, running faster side by side.


"For crying out loud, shut that fucking kid up already!" I yell as I hear the brat yelling, screaming, and crying. He hasn't stopped crying since we got here. If it weren't for the damn wolf dormant inside of him, I'd eat his fucking soul too. But I want more right now. Someone as powerful as Elena and Elora, of course.

To me, any other wolf is as useless as a human and not worth my efforts. My potions are far too precious to be wasted on a kid like him. Not even those rogues I've been feeding on are good enough. They barely satisfy my insatiable craving to feed on their souls.

"Keep mouthing off, and I'll eat you first, you damn mutt!" I said, gripping his chin and pushing him to the ground.

We were high up in the middle of the forest, waiting for the moon to align perfectly so I could start my ritual.

"I still can't believe I have the amulet. Santa was right. Patience finally worked in my favor. I am going to enjoy this so much. It won't be long before I eat the souls of every last wolf." I said, giddy, laughing as I poured one ingredient at a time to my heart's content.

"It's not going to work, Matisa. It will never work, and you know why? Because you are not meant to carry the crown and sit on that throne. Our ancestors chose Abbie, not you!" Elena dared, making me strike her across her face.

"Shut up!" I said as she grunted. I've had enough of her and her stupid sister.

I've been wanting to end them for so long. And I finally have the chance. Finally! I will have all the power to end them and all the fucking wolves in existence.

Once I embody and eat Elena's soul, I will be the most powerful witch. No one will ever be able to stop me.

I readied my potion, gripped Elena by her hair, and made her lol at me. She growled as she felt me pull her hair, making me smirk.

"Oh, dear cousin. You thought I'd never be able to catch you. Didn't you? We are going to have so much fun!" I said, making her give me a murderous look, causing me to chuckle.

"You are not getting away with this. My mom and dad are going to kill you and that ugly man!" the brat says, making me look at him angrily.

"Shut up, you stupid brat!" I slapped him across his face, making him fall to the ground.

Who the hell does he think he is? Abigail and Hunter are nowhere near as powerful as I am. I've had enough of their impertinence. If it weren't for Hunter and his stupid friends, I would have more rogues to feed on tonight.

He had to fucking meddle in and steal my last shipment. Luckily, it wasn't a complete loss.

Santiago was able to get away just in time with ten girls. I can't wait to eat tonight. Just a few more hours, and I'll be even more powerful—unstoppable—and no one will ever be able to stop me. Again.

Elena is finally mine!


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