Part 14

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Justin was waiting in the lobby of the W 36 St building Ms. Fitzgerald was interested in. Mr. Willams was so please to have someone interested that he hastily agreed to the request of all documents related to the building and for inspector's "plural" to review the property. He was only given one name through. An inspector for the city, that his own company used frequently. Justin through that Ms. Fitgerald was a genius of thinking of having more than once, but in also only providing this one by name. Mr. Williams seemed pleased he did not even bother to ask about who the others were. Probably assuming the city inspects world would supersede all others. Rumors in the real estate and construction industry were that this individual was in Mr. Williams' pocket. However, there was no solid proof.

Not only was the city inspector coming, but an inspector from another country on the far side of the State with no ties to Williams, a foreman from Jones Construction (a rival of William's) and two contractors with great reputations. One being an Electrical and plumbing specialist and the other a general contractor. The city inspector was coming in 2 hours. But the others have been here for over an hour already. They had flagged a few things already. His Wife Carol was walking around with them taking notes and photos for Ms. Fitgerald. If all goes as planned, then the reports from each of them should be in tomorrow and Ms. Fitgerald will review to take her offer. Justin and Carl would be getting a good comment on this property despite this not being their listing. It was a stipulation of Ms. Fitzgerald for Mr. Williams. Justin was originally doing this as a favor for his good friend James. Justin called James when he read the stipulation Ms. Fitzgerald insisted on and thanked him for the referral. "Yeah, Katie is a good person who has solid values. She believes just like the rest of her family that hard honest work should be rewarded." He had told them. It renewed this faith in people. He and Carol knew firsthand not everyone through that way and witnessed some the worst and stingiest sides of the business.

Thirty minutes before the city inspector was scheduled to show his wife and the others hired by Ms. Fitzgerald came off the elevator.

"Gentleman, I wanted to thank you for your time and efforts today. The potential buyer is looking forward to your reports. My file will email all the photos to you within the next hour. I have been instructed to offer a 10% bonus for your detailed report including photos and comments if your reports can be submitted in full by the end of day tomorrow. The potential buyer wants to move quickly, but fairly." Justin said relaying the offer as instructed. All they men agreed it would be no problem and asked him to pass along their thanked for this client.

"Justin, some of the issues they found are not cheep fixes. I know out client can afford it, and it wonderful she asked so many different people for their assessment, I just worry. She is being so generous to them and us. James is a good friend and client of ours. I would hate to see this become and issue." Carol said seeing the city inspection walking down the street from his car. "Darling, our client is smart and doing everything possible to get the full story to even put in a solid fair offer. I spoke to James while you were with the others, and he assures me our client knows what she is doing." He rescued his wife.

"Mr. Morris, thank you for agreeing to meet with us on such short notice. Our client insisted on you and is looking forward to your report and to be able to place and office this week if possible." Justin said with a deliberate tone making it seem their client was trusting him explicitly.

"My wife and I will be walking through with you and our client has requested a full report asap with your comments and photos for review." Justin added as they followed Mr. Morris into the building.

Mr. Morris nodded and began walking around taking pictures and notes. Justin and Carol stayed silent opting to talk later in private.

Only an hour later (a quarter of the time the others took for their assessment) Mr. Morris said he was done and would have the report to them by tomorrow morning, but morning but the great constitution of the building as a whole.

By the time they got back to their office all anyone was talking about was Fitzgerald Enterprise's new CEO, Kathleen Fitzgerald the youngest child of Nora and Alan Fitzgerald.

The press release offered a simple statement that it was a unanimous family decision based on Kathleen qualifications. That she had been shadowing her family members for a while in preparation for this change.

The document released was signed by her family the Fitzgerald's and O'Brien's, and shockingly the board member in support. The was unheard of in the industry that she was so well supported. Her picture was included in the release and her smile and youth would be misleading to the business world, but people who soon learn she was a force to be reckoned with.

Carol was smiling as they walked into another shared office over to her desk. "I am going to send a quick test message to Ms. Fitzgerald saying congratulations" 

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