Part 22

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Katie was still a little upset with her brother when she got home. She took a deep breath and reminded herself, that all her brothers and cousins look out for her because they care. She went into the living room and sat down with her mother. They were going over color swatches, future ideas, counter tops, etc. Nora was excited to help her decorate her daughters first home away from home. She was also helping with some of the other apartments in the building Kathleen just bought. Katie knew she would be designing the apartments with homey, light, earth tones colors that would work for any age, profession and social standing. She wanted to make sure the basic big peace's where already in the apartments/building so that the staff she was hiring would be able to move right in.

She looked up from her tablet at her mom who was looking over the selections. "Mom, I wanted to tell you about a special project I am working on". Katie said not meeting her mother's eye. She was not ashamed, but this was important to her and something she was doing solely her own.

"I have been volunteering a shelter in downtown Manhattan for over a year now. I saw the struggles, lack of resources and supported that the city can afford. While I have donated time and money to help it is a never-ending cycle. You see the same people all the time because they cannot get out of the low, they are in. Don't get me wrong you see new faces come and go too, but not many get leave that life without some major help. I just feel that more is needed to break that cycle of life to self-improvement. I wanted to help more and by focusing on a smaller number of people and with more assistance for the long term it can help get them off the streets. Into a good point in their lives once again." Katie paused in her explanation. "I am working on a privately owned and operated shelter that offers more than just a one-night stay. It will be a living environment that supports people and families by providing a healthy, safe, and family-like environment while they work on importing themselves and situations. Giving them resources and the buffer, they need into transition to being capable to support themselves and their families. It will be selective, but supportive in a number of ways. I've been working on the plans for about six months now." She spoke. Nora looked at her daughter in wonder and knew she raised her daughter right to care so much for others, "Well, tell me all about this project and where I can help." Nora knew that her daughter must have witness something terrible to open her up to this more than just volunteering and donating. She would not prior but wanted to be supportive. Nora knew that it could take weeks to several months for someone on the streets to bounce back with help and stand on their own feet depending on their circumstances. She also knew the city could only do so much and with the number of homeless it too it toll on funding to help a large number of people all at once. She saw the wisdom that in helping even twenty people at a time could help get them off the streets permanently. That each time someone was helped for the better it would only help the system and people in the long run. Short term fixes where just that. Her daughter's idea would decrease the number of people in that position.

Katie when on to explain her project and for the hand-picked individuals at K's Place. Six months ago, she bought a two-story building close to the intersection of W 29th St and 11 Ave and just a few blocks east of the Hudson River. For those willing to do the work and make the effort it would be a one stop short and/or long-term pit stop for assistance, resources. More like a full-service assurance shelter.

She had made arrangements with the local high school to have the kids come in and paint each room, sweep up, wash windows, floors and help set up the single and bunk beds she ordered along with the mattresses and some other basic furniture. It would carter to families, parents with children, vets. Since it would be privately owned, she and her staff she hired could be more selective and offer more services to help in the long run. This would help the overall community. The high school students were receiving their credits for community service/ outreach requirements because the type of services and clients it will support, despite being privately owned.

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