chapter seventeen

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I put my hand to my face and liked how cool my fingers felt on my face. I shivered and realized that I was running a fever which is why I feel so crummy.

Ren touched my face and then he exclaimed,"Your burning up! We have to get you to a doctor......."

He hauled me up and I was amazed at how strong he was when he lifted me up and began to drag me towards a hospital.

"I'm fine.I don't feel well that's all." I muttered and he only sighed and said,"I'm sorry."

Confused I asked,"For what?"

"While I was insisting that we come here you were sick and I didn't notice. I'm sorry for being insensitive."'

"I should have known that I was sick. I didn't know until I started feeling sick. I'm sorry for making you carry me like this. Can we call up a witch taxi service so I can take some medicine?"

I saw a witch wait around the white badge on her hat told me that she offered rides and Ren asked,"How much for a ride?"

She replied,"Two silver coins." I tossed her the coins and we got on and I wrapped my arms around  Ren and I felt him jump.

"Sorry. Please hold on until we get home."


I'm happy but, worried at the same time.

I'm happy that Sora is holding me so tightly and his fingers are digging into my arms and I'm worried because he is running a high fever and his breath is coming out in gasps.

I Shakily got off and dragged Sora into the house and left him on the couch while I got medicine.

I stared at the unlabeled bottles in horror and whispered,"which one can supress a fever?"

My fingers ran over all the bottles until I finally settled on a blue bottle and ran to Sora who was gasping and asked,"Is this it?"

He took it from me with trembling fingers and swallowed and I studied him closely and I moved a little away.

He calmed down and he gave a huge sigh,"Ren thank you. I feel better now."

I felt happy because he was complimenting me and I asked,"Do you want something to eat?"

He only shook his head and closed his eyes the fever taking most of the energy that he has away from him.

I patted his head and I felt inner Ren take over and I was surprised how violently he was breaking through the barriers of my mind to take control of our body.

Once I was pushed back I could only watch helpless as Inner Ren took Sora's head into his hands and lowered his face down for a kiss.

Suddenly Sora's eyes open and he only asked,"What are you doing?"

I was pushed back further into our mind and was forced to sleep.....................


Ren only smiled at me and I felt that uncomfortable squeezing in my chest and I only zoned out. I can't believe how just smiling can creep me out so much.

"I'm going to kiss you." He stated and I pulled away and began to struggle. I suddenly remember Mark mentioning something about this and now I wish I had listened.

I pushed at him but, he was stronger than he looked and he leaned down a bit and I turned away.

I don't want this. I don't want to kiss someone least of all him.

"Don't worry Sora. We have already kissed a few times before. This should be a cinch."

What? He leaned down and Mark walked into the room and took in the scene and said,"Ren number two if you don't want to be killed by the real Ren
you better stop."

What? Ren number two only reddened and said,"I wasn't going to hurt him. I just wanted  a kiss."

I glared at both Ren and Mark. Mark was aware that Ren was gay all along and didn't even tell me


Mark caught the look and said,"Hey don't look at me like that. You and I both now we talked about this and you refused to listen to me."

Ren got off me and I slowly rose to my feet and I moved to Mark's side and only stared at Ren.

What am I going to do with him now? Do I let him stay or do I let him go?

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