A little trouble

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The bed creaked as we slowly got dressed in a heavy silence and Ren yawned oblivious to my suffering and he smiled and asked, "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes?" I replied stiffly and I hoped that my mother wouldn't bring up this morning in front of ren where he   can make a huge deal out of it.

"Good." We stepped into the kitchen and we both were bombarded with kitchen sprites. The small little lights of all colors tickled our faces in greeting and my Mother giggled the stars in her eyes made me wary.

"Pancakes?" She offered sweetly and I narrowed my eyes at her and she narrowed hers back and stuck her tongue out.

War it is. "Ren! Did you have a nice night?" My mother practically purred and my face flushed in humiliation and Ren blinked and returned the smile with warmth and said,"I had a wonderful night Mrs. Tengon. I was very worried that my sudden appearance here would make you feel uncomfortable so I am very happy that you are not displeased with me."

My mother all but jumped up from her seat and pounced on Ren and pulled him into a tight hug and said,"Nonesense~! My son must have said much mean things about me to have you thinking such things. Please do make this place your home!"

"Mother. I know that you are glad to see us but I also have to talk to you." I hinted hoping that I wouldn't make Ren feel left out if I put the Alone part into the sentence.

She caught my drift and a sad look was in her eye and it was replaced with determination and we left Ren in the kitchen with his plate of pancakes and bacon and we entered her chambers and I tried to keep the urgency out of my voice.

"Mother. I don't have much time. We need to find him." I knew my mother despised her old friend but she didn't want to see my father or myself have to dirty our hands with the blood of another.

"I will help."

"I understand that you......What?" I was so sure that she would beg me not to use her magic to kill that her firm answer shook me.

"I won't lay down anymore. We must act! " She stood proud like a regal queen and I smiled and I felt tears of gratitude stab my eyes.

"How can I help?"

"A seeking spell. We need to find him and I will kill him and save myself and the future Tengons to come."

"Okay. Does Ren know?"

"Ah....No. I don't want to tell him. I get the feeling that he will be super upset with me by the fact that I kept it from him all this time."

I was about to declare that it was none of his concern but then I managed to remember that my mother was overjoyed by the fact that I had someone by my side.

"Are you sure you want to keep such a big secret from him?" She sounded uneasy and I frowned and said,"I am sure. He will try to find him and he might get hurt."

I shifted feeling a little uncomfortable under her unwavering gaze but tried to stand firm under it.

"I'll have a potion ready by tomorrow. Meanwhile stay here and tell me all about how you and Ren met."

The stern expression on her face melted away until a dreamy motherly face was visible and it made me flinch knowing that I was lying to her for her happiness.

"He and I met while I was working as a fortune teller."

"Oh! I didn't know that you learned a few things about fortune telling!"

"Well......... He started to like me and then I kind of blew something up and he and I met again and I ended up letting him move in with me."

"Oh honey. I know you hate hearing me harp on about this but don't you think you should learn dark magic instead of white magic?"

A lump formed in my throat and Ren came in with two plates of pancakes and handed my mother and I one and I accepted Rens kiss.

What a shameless guy. I thought dryly my mind registering my mothers breathy "Oh my!" and suddenly I felt rough hands fall on my shoulders and Ren deepened the kiss taking me by surprise.

The shock rendered me breathless and his fingers brushed my side triggering a laugh and he took advantage of the situation and went even further!

I pushed him away and blushed my face red with fury and Rai gave me a teasing nip on the nose and dashed away before I could say anything.

"What a cute Couple!" She giggled obviously mistaking my fury for embarassment and I wanted nothig more than to hunt him down and smack him around.

How dare he! I said on the cheek not a makeout session!

"Ren? Can you come here honey?" I called into the hall sweetly and I knew that he had no choice but to answer my call.

"Yes. Sora Darling?" He looked shy and I was about to forgive him with a mischievious look in his eye reminded me that Rai  was in deep trouble.

"I need to talk to you in our bedroom." I kept my tone sweet and wrapped an arm around his shoulders and hauled him into our room and once I locked the door I turned on him my eyes ablazing.


How terrifying." I noted as I popped some popcorn into my mouth and I smirked and giggled.

"We thought that you were with my mother."

"Nah. She is to oblivious to the chaos here. I thought about you guys so I came here to visit."

"Why didn't you update at all last week?"

"My computer sucks lets face it. I am borrowing one at the moment  so here I am."

I stood up and waltzed to the door and let myself out.

"Someones gonna get it!"

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