Chapter eleven

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I pulled out a hot pot and began to prepare the stew and cut up the carrots and I pulled the Energizing potion out of my pocket and Ren asked,"What is this?"

"Oh? What are you Talking about?" I asked never taking my eyes off the the carrots and then I glanced at Ren and choked out,"Don't drink it!" 

I was far too late and I watched Ren finish off the potion in horror. Please let it work please don't let it affect him in the bad way.

Ren slumped to the floor and I darted and caught his head. He wasn't moving and I pressed my head against his chest to see if he was breathing.

He is. Thank all the god and goddesses.

I picked him up and he jolted up and I backed away slowly and was wary of his movements.

I saw that dark look in his brown eyes and I got behind a table and made sure that I wasn't anywhere near him.

"Sora. You smell nice." I watched him move and the stealthy walk made me uneasy and like any other sensible person I tried to act calm.

"Well thank you. I deal with a lot of herbs so......." I tried to appear calm then suddenly he was right in front of me and though his is only a foot shorter than me he still looked intimidating.

 "You drink? Drink some!" He shoved the potion at me and i pushed it away and said,"I need to make the stew Ren. Why don't you lie down?"

"I said I'm not tired." He hung on me and I tossed the carrots into the stew and put it on the heat and Ren began to randomly squeeze me.

"Stop it Ren." I was uneasy about being so close to the stove and having a drunk/crazy/guy friend on me and worse he seemed to be squeezing me on purpose.

"Why? Didn't you get hugs when you were a kid?"

"What does my childhood have to do with anything?" I was gettting angry with all the questions. 

"Well then stop complaining and keep cooking. I'm not hurting you am I?"

"You aren't hurting me but,......" He squeezed me even tighter and I grunted from the pressure.

"Your okay then." Ren muttered he rested his head on my back and then he kept on squeezing.

"Hey Sora is the stew......Done?" Mark froze and I could only imagine what he was thinking.

OMG my landlord is being hugged from behind by a guy while cooking?

"Sorry. You guys are obviously busy so.." Mark began to back out and I mouthed,"Help me! Ren is drunk!"

I saw understanding dawn on his face and mark came up and plucked Ren and then asked,"Where is that thing that you made to make me fall asleep?"

"In the pantry." I murmured and Ren thrashed and broke free and ran towards me and I didn't have enough time to react when he tossed his arms around my neck and we fell and his teeth banged against mine in a kiss.

I was so shocked that I couldn't move and Ren kept on kissing until Mark recovered from her shock and Knocked him out.

"You okay?" Mark asked me and i nodded and wiped my face and he said,"He must be very drunk. What did he drink anyway?"

"Potion." I kept staring at the heap on the floor and Mark asked,"Is he gay?"

I jumped and shook my head.

"He isn't!" I declared and Mark gave me a pitying look.

"He wouldn't have kissed you is he wasn't Sora."

"He is just drunk." I declared but, now I am not quite so sure myself.

"Give it up Sora. You can't hide what just happend here. Tell me Sora has something like this happen before?"

I was silent. I really don't want to listen to this.

"Yeah. He drank a potion and suddenly he was after me and he kept wanting to smell me."

My voice was barely above a whisper and Mark nodded and said,"Well then you know that he is."

"He is drunk Mark. Don't make a judgment on him without knowing anything." I threatened and Mark sighed and said,"Look I know your not open minded about this stuff but, don't deny the truth either."

"I am not close minded about anything!" I snapped obviously angry.

"Your denying that this guy is different right now Sora! Sora didn't you teacher teach you to be open minded about everything?!"

"No! Ren is just drunk and I won't listen to anymore of this crazy talk! Now help me move me to the couch."

I dropped Ren on the couch and sat down and closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes and Mark handed me a glass of water and I took it my throat dry.

"Thank you." i said and Mark asked,"Are you gay?"

"What?!" I rasped and Mark only sighed.

"I don't know what to tell you Ren." He ruffled his hair and said,"IF you aren't then sorry for asking but, if you are..."

"What makes you think that?" I asked my heart jumping inside my chest and Mark replied,"Well you just kissed Sora in the kitchen."

I dropped the glass and mark caught in time and said,"If you are then be careful around Sora. Don't take me wrong he is a really nice guy but, he really hates people who bat for the same team."

"Why?" I asked upset that he thought such things. I mean what did I ever do to him?

"Well i am not sure about all the details but, I have heard him hint that he has been ambushed before and well he is sorta scarred for life."

"Oh. Mark If i ask you for a favor will you listen to me?"

"Depends. Tell me what on your mind shorty. I'll see if I can help you."

"I really like Sora. I mean alot because he is my mate. WIll you tell me all you can about him?"

I looked into the deepest part of my mind and asked,"inner ren was the kiss your doing?"

"Yeah. Whenever i drink one of his potions I can come out and act like i'm drunk." i heard the glee in his voice and i sighed.

"I don't know Ren. I mean I haven't figured him out yet either and I've known him for five years."

"Please!" I begged and Mark sighed and said,"He was born in Hiuntout. I know that his mother is still in this world and his dad is dead. He is a really cynical person but, he hides his huge heart under layers of mystery that i have yet to crack. He isn't much of a morning person and he hates being told that he is wrong. IF you want to get anything out of him like information go to his room between one and three in the morning. He talks in his sleep."

I hopped up and said,"Thanks. I have to go to work so if you have anything else to say please tell me when I get back."

I went to work and returned and at one thirty two I was at Sora's door and I opened it and found him fast asleep in bed.

He was mumbling things and I whispered,"Sora do you Know how to swim?"

"Yes." He gave a reply that was short but, at least in confirmed marks comments on him.

"Do you like coffee?" I asked and then he turned and said,"No."

"Have you ever seen a ghost?" I asked and this time I saw tears run down his face,"Dad. My dad's."

I wiped the tears away with my sleeve and asked,"Are you afraid of lightning?" The tears stopped and he said,"Yes."

"Do you like being alone?" I asked and he replied,"No."

When the clock struck three I got up and kissed him and left the room.

I wonder if he's mad about the kiss?

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