chapter fourteen

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Mark sat next to miss Banshee and Ren asked,"Is it me or do I feel weird vibes coming from those two?"

I smiled and whispered,"You aren't imagining it. I think that it really was a good Idea that miss Banshee is here."

"What do you mean?" He whispered and I replied,"Ren can't you read the mood? Can't you see the way they are both staring at each other like there is no one else but, them?"

He finally caught my drift and asked,"Should we leave them alone?"

I smiled,"I would. I mean Mark needs someone to light a fire under his lazy butt."

"Okay." We left the room with our plates and cups in hand and we made our way into our rooms and I had just finished putting my plate down when I heard a timid knocking at the door.

"Come in." Ren came in and had a huge bottle of wine and I beamed at him.

"Ice wine! Since Mark is getting cozy with Miss Banshee lets have a toast." He filled my glass up to the brim and I took a sip liking the dry and strange taste.

I noticed that he had a very tiny shot glass and I scoffed,"Wimp. Can't you drink like a real man?"

I pulled out a cup and filled his up to the brim like mine and I saw him scowl.

I took a long swig on my drink and I felt weightless and I nearly spit my drink when Ren just chugged the wine down.

"Hey, easy Ren you don't want to hurt yourself either." I worried and then I took another swig of the wine and my head was all fuzzy.

So dizzy.

==============================INNER REN======================================

I laughed and suddenly I took over Ren's body and I felt lucky. Not only do I have complete control over our body but, Sora is also drunk and won't remember anything of this.

I got closer and took in his scent and he said,"Zop lokin were ya should'n."

Oh yeah he is so drunk that he can't even speak straight.

I hugged him and he weakly tried to push me away and he protested,"Don,  er breat stinz."

I still held on and his head lolled on his pillow his breath shallow and his cheeks were slightly red from the wine.

I leaned over him and saw that his eyes were closed and he said,"Urn on da A.Z............"

I opened up his cloak and he sighed,"Zanku."

"Are you always this much of a drunkard?" I ask pushing his long white hair out of his face and he mumbled,"ZEZ."

"I'll take that as a yes." I leaned down and Mark burst in and He froze and then noticed the wine on the nightstand and He grumbled,"Jerks."

"IS there some kind of problem?"I asked and I saw surprise in in eyes and then his eyes narrowed.

"Ren?" I laughed and asked,"Which one?"

He enters the room and asks,"Are you drunk?"

"No. Outer Ren is out for the count though." I saw his eyes widen and he asked,"ARe you his split personality?"

"Did he speak about me?" I asked and hugged Sora even tighter despite his weak protests.

"He mentioned a little something. Tell me what are you going to do with Sora?"


We sat in a moment of silence and he said,"IF you like him wait until he is sober. I don't think he is thinking straight."

ON cue Sora mumbled,"Na druk."

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