Chapter six

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I noticed that Sora's eyes that were always filled with wonder and mystery were without life and I saw that unlike the sparkling wonder his eyes were dark and dull as if his soul was some place else and I could tell that Mark also noticed and like me didn't like the look not one bit.

"Is there a reason why you have a scar on your palm?" i blurted out startling everyone at the table even me and my split personality screamed,"Why do you keep asking so many questions!?"

I froze and I saw the dark dead look vanish and I saw the light enter his eyes and he looked at his own palm and then showed me his hand.

"I got this scar when I first made a cure for a purple flummite cure. I was really young back then and alot of the other wizards came down with the disease however I somehow have the anti-bodies against it so I took a sample of my own blood and compared it with another students."

He chucked and his fingers ran down the small scar below his third finger and said,"I had a hard time extracting blood because my hands were so callused from the hard labor that I had done that I had trouble cutting through the skin to get a sample of my blood. I kept hacking away at my hand and I finally cut and as soon as  I felt the stinging I took the blood and then compared the blood under a microscope and managed to contain the Instonein that my blood had and that the other students didn't have so I made the cure and everyone lived. " 

I was amazed at how smart my mate was granted that he sucks at magic and is rather clumsy but, in terms of the mind he was quite smart.

The dead look was gone from his face and there was a small smile tugging at his lips and a warm expression on his face as if he was back in the past reliving it all.

"Did you like your wizard training?" I asked feeling like it was alright to ask now that he looked like his mood was lifting.

He laughed openly and said,"I wish. I had two of the toughest teachers in the entire world miss Badly and Mr. Cronouh and they would scream at me whenever I made the wrong kind of movements during a spell. I have to say that it was hell but, after a few years I passed but, I can't say it was easy. I had to steal something from a dragons horde."

Mark chuckled and said,"You were so scary back then. You would always come to my house and ask to borrow something and whenever I said No you would throw a potion at me and take it anyway. I thought I was going to die a horrible death. What did you throw at me anyway?"

So Mark and Sora have known each other for a long time? I felt jealous.

"I threw a kindness potion on you. Didn't work out like I wanted though." I saw the gentle look on Sora's face and liked how he seemed to easily forget his problems and concentrate on the matter at hand.

"Sora? Can I ask you another question?"  He nodded and then gave me his full attention.

"Are you going to go shopping for more ingredients for the potion that your planning to make?" He nodded and I saw that he looked a little worried.

"What things are you missing for your potion?" He pulled out a blue and gray book that was the size of my hand and then mumbled,"Black clovers, phoenix tears, Dervine herbs, Ointment........... Okay I am missing a mermaid scale and a sirens song. I don't think I need the vampires poison but, I think that I should add that to the list just in case."

Mark and I glanced at Sora and I looked at him and mouthed,"WHo is he trying to kill?"

I mean I may not be a wizard but, half of the stuff he is getting is very dangerous and very hard to find.

Sora closed the book and then he patted my head and the heat of his hand on my head was nice.

He ruffled my hair and then said,"Well i'm off. I have to start gathering the ingredients before the new moon."

"I'll go with you. I mean how bad can it be?" I asked and then He laughed into his hand and I scowled.

He thinks that I can't handle the journey.  I may not be strong in my human form but, my were form is stronger than a werewolfs power.

Instead of walking he got on a broom and then patted the back part of the broom and I slowly got on and held onto him.

"So where are we going anyway?" I asked and He replied,"Sieret."

"WHAT?!" I demanded to know and then we flew upward and out and I held on to dear life as we headed to one of the most dangerous areas in the world.

"Keep your voice down and don't look at anyone in the eyes. Don't lose sight of me and if you do don't call my name just stay where you are and I will eventually find you."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black cloak and wrapped it around me and made sure that I was set before mingling with the crowd and I was amazed at how he moved in the crowd like a serpent and I held onto his cloak and didn't let go.

"Hello Damen. Please tell me did you receive the mermaid scale and Vampire poison that I ordered?" 

Damen gave us a gape toothed smile and Sora didn't bat an eye and accepted a box and he looked inside and gave him a white pouch and we walked away.

I followed close behind and I felt eyes on my back and it made me uncomfortable however Sora looked Calm

"SIr Isiah. How goes it?" Sora shouted over at the man in the water and he swam over and he came out and shook Sora's hand.

"Sora Kuraki! It's been about a month since you have come to see me. Tell me how are you?"

"So far so good. I can't complain." Sora replied flashing him a smile and isiah looked at me and I nodded.

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