ミ★ 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘳𝘬𝘴 ★彡

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it was a long day - {name} had left naomasa quite literally speechless. he'd known this case would be difficult but this was a new level. he was scrambling for some sort of explanation - an answer that would solve this whole thing. and yet, it didn't seem like it would be that easy to fix.

{name} sat uncomfortably in the bed - sitting up as she was tuned in completely to the police officer. waiting to hear what he would say. "well, quirks are superpowers. you really haven't heard of them?" to which, {name} shook her head rapidly. she'd never heard that term before. her mouth opened a little as she took in the information. she wanted to know more.

'people have powers? that's so cool!'

she wanted powers. that thought made her pause completely. her wide eyes on naomasa as she readied her next question. spluttering a little due to the excitement and uncertainty she felt at the moment. "d..do i have one of those?" she pointed her thumb towards herself as if he needed clarification as to who she was referring to.

he chuckled a little at that - it was definitely worrying. the girl looked to be a teenager - maybe fourteen? she should've known about quirks. there was a lot she should've known about. heroes, quirks, and all the blanks in her memory - it was starting to look bad. yet, the girl brushed that aside and truly looked how a teenager should be right now. excited. it made him smile - though he did shrug a little. "we're not sure. we assume so due to your...unique blood samples." he didn't want her to take his word - didn't want to build her hopes up if she didn't have a quirk. "i can't promise anything, though."

at that, {name} sprang up from the hospital bed. taking naomasa completely off-guard as he watched - mouth agape. he lifted his hands - waving them about while trying to tell the young girl to stay put but she wasn't listening now. completely focused on working out if she had a quirk or not. only thing is, she knew nothing about quirks. not how they manifested nor how to activate it.

so, after around five minutes she finally sat back down on the hospital bed. huffing and pouting as she did so. she knew her blood was different - that meant she should have a quirk. so what the hell was it? she clicked her tongue - completely tuning out the police officer still in the room. he had to stiffen his laugh when she attempted to jump from the bed to the floor - crying about how maybe her quirk was the ability to fly. it was not, apparently. she landed with her feet on the floor - no flying.

naomasa didn't know what to do now - she had no memories, didn't know basic things about their society, didn't know if she even had a quirk, and couldn't remember her family name. he knew he would put out a report of a missing child but that's where the search would have to end for now. there were no leads whatsoever. foster care was the only option - he hated putting kids into the system but he couldn't see how else to go out of the situation. he knew to tread lightly with this conversation.

he cleared his throat - getting {name}'s attention. "i can't lie to you, kid. this is difficult. it seems like you're going to have to go into the care system." he spoke out - expecting some kind of reaction. shouting or cursing maybe. he wasn't expecting to see her tilted head once again.

"what's that?" she asked - tone equally as confused as her expression. and so, the next few minutes were spent explaining the care system to the girl. naomasa made a promise to himself - he would oversee every detail of this case. this girl didn't deserve to go through anything else. he didn't know if she blocked out her memories - that troubled him deeply as he thought about the option. he wished that wasn't the case with all his heart.

{name} took in all the information. it was very clear that no one knew what to do about her situation - she couldn't fault them. she was the most confused. getting a slight headache with all she was being put through and all the new things she was learning about.


the girl was discharged from the hospital that day - they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her blood but she didn't have any more injuries to deal with. naomasa had to fill out a lot of paperwork but the girl was allowed to stay in a group home for now - until she grew out of the system or until she got fostered. that was her understanding of the situation. she was excited - walking with her hands behind her back as she took in all the scenery around her. looking like a child gazing upon the world for the first time - it was a concerningly accurate description of how she felt.

that day, {name} met lots of new people. there were so many kids her own age staying at the home - the majority of them made her feel welcomed there. she wasn't bothered by the few that seemed a little closed off or standoffish with her. she'd convince them to be her friends over time. {name} ate her food with her new friend, emi. the two got along well, due to the other girl assuming {name} was quirkless like her since the girl didn't talk or try to show off her quirk. truth is, she still hadn't figured it out yet. but the topic was never brought up with emi.

{name} shared a room with two other girls - emi included. they didn't know about the incident. she didn't feel the need to bring it up to them - especially since she couldn't really give much information herself. she fell asleep that night - feeling a sense of peace. it was nice. it was warm. welcoming.

however, after briefing the pro-hero about all that happened. keigo could be very convincing when he felt like it. he was like a dog with a bone when he was interested in something. naomasa tossed and turned the whole night - unable to fall asleep after the encounter with {name}.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now