ミ★ 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘴 ★彡

39 6 2

{name} felt pretty confident so far - she had made good progress in taking down the robots. she'd only come across the three types that present mic had mentioned first - no 'zero-pointers' in sight.

that was until she heard the examination ground vibrate. her eyes widened a little as she chanced a look up to where it was coming from - a robot. it was much bigger than any of the robots she had encountered up until now. she took a step back until her eyes finally zeroed in where everyone had been looking - there was a small crowd forming a little ways back from the giant robot.

'i just had to open my stupid mouth, huh?'

and that was because there was someone stuck under some fallen rubble. the boy didn't look like he knew what was going on - making motions with his hands and talking to himself.

'oh shit.'

it was the only thing in her mind as she raced from where she stood - she passed the crowd of students all wanting to get into the hero course and saw someone in particular. she didn't wait - she gripped onto his shirt as she passed by and tugged him along with her to match her speed. the guy in question towered over her in height but she manhandled him as if it was nothing.

what she was more concerned with - he looked strong. strong enough to pick up a person and get them to safety.

"you're going to carry him, okay?" she made sure the taller boy knew her plan as they neared the blond boy who was still making hand gestures and talking to himself. mezou, who she didn't know the name of, nodded mutely as he got tugged along. he assumed she had a plan.

truthfully, {name} was running off of pure adrenaline and the instincts she had started honing due to the twice she had helped someone - it wasn't a lot but her body was doing the moving on its own. she went with it - she doubted in her mind that u.a would let lethal harm come to the blond boy but she clearly wasn't thinking with that mindset right now.

{name} let go of the taller boy and he nodded to her when he went over to the blond boy and made quick work of getting the boy up into his arms after pushing the rubble off him.

{name} didn't waste time - she darted for the 'zero-pointer'. she pulled back her fist and due to the intense emotions taking over her body at that moment - she did something she never thought she would have the strength to do. she let her fist fly towards the robot's leg and it completely crumpled under her strength - dislodging from where it had been supporting the rest of the metal of the robot and flying back towards an already damaged building.

even {name} gawked as the robot came down to the ground - she moved out of its way since she didn't want to get crushed beneath it. she made her way over to its 'head' once it had made impact with the road of the fake city and raised her leg - bringing the heel of her shoe down onto its 'head' and, successfully, taking down the 'zero-pointer'.

truthfully, she wanted to jump for joy but she turned to the small crowd of teenagers her own age and gave them a dopey grin - raising her hand to give them a thumbs up.


denki kaminari would wake up in recovery girl's office later on and be informed about what happened. about how he was saved by a girl he had never met before - just because she had noticed that in that moment, he couldn't do anything to save himself even if she didn't know the reason why yet.

mezou shoji  would go home that day thinking about the girl not hesitating at the sight of him. not thinking as she pulled his whole body weight to help someone. she didn't even regard his appearance - he had taken in hers. the wings, the fangs and how her fingernails were sharper than anyone else's that he'd seen before. still, he walked home with a smile under his mask.


{name} felt good about her actions and how many points she got when she exited the physical exam. so, imagine her surprise to see her best friend - crumpled down on his knees. on the ground outside of u.a academy as he clutched his shirt with his hand. "izu?" {name} addressed him with a questioning tone as she approached his figure.

"i didn't get one. not even one. not a single point." he was muttering to himself. he sounded completely defeated. {name} felt like her heart stopped at that moment. no, that wasn't how this was supposed to go. izuku and her were both supposed to get into u.a together, be in the same class and train to be heroes together. {name} with her confusing quirk and izuku with the quirk passed down to him by all might.

she crouched down next to him - patting his back and rubbing soothing circles through his shirt. he was too preoccupied with his state of utter distress to blush at the action. {name} used her wings to block out the scene from any and all people passing - and prying red eyes as a certain blonde-haired boy stomped past them.

the walk home was...sad and a little uncomfortable but eventually, izuku and her parted ways. {name} made her way to the home and told no one about how she thought she did today. there wasn't anyone there who was interested in the achievements of the young girl.


it wasn't until a week later that the letter finally arrived - {name} didn't know what to do as she stared at the envelope. she opened it with trembling hands.

all week her ans izuku would avoid the topic - she didn't like seeing his face drop in disappointment when the conversation went to u.a high school. he had made sure to ask {name} all about how the exam went for her - her best friend was the best.

the results she now held in her hand were everything she had been working towards these last ten months. her and izuku. she hoped they'd both take on this challenge together.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now