ミ★ 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘮 ★彡

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the ten months had been filled with ups and downs for {name}. for one, she was sure the caretakers of the home were trying their absolute hardest to get the girl moved somewhere else - complaints about her scaring the younger children with her new appearance. she couldn't exactly say anything about it since she wasn't sure and she could agree that her appearance could be taken as 'scary' now. still, it really didn't help her feel any better.

she was glad to have a quirk, of course, but she couldn't help but wish it didn't come at the friendship of emi. she lost the first friend she had ever managed to make. it was a disappointing experience for the young girl.

on the other hand, there were many upsides to how the months had changed things.

katsuki no longer bullied her and izuku - sometimes she'd catch him just staring at her now, which was a little strange and definitely different. but, the blond boy mostly ignored them both now. he'd turn and mutter out things whenever he saw them.

izuku was training hard to hone his body to be the perfect vessel for him to inherit, one for all, from all might. it meant the two spent less time together that didn't involve training but that benefited both {name} and izuku.

{name} had gotten better at using her strength, her elongated nails and fangs - she had also learnt to hover a few feet off of the floor with her wings. it was nothing groundbreaking but one day she knew she would be able to fly. soar through the sky just like her hero - hawks.


{name} bolted out of the home that morning - jogged all the way to u.a high school. a bit of exercise to warm her up and hopefully get rid of any nervous energy she felt.

she met with izuku - he had explained this morning on a text that he had to actually eat a piece of all might's hair. {name} had thought it was completely ridiculous but who was she to argue with the number one hero and his super secret quirk situation.

"we're here." they both spoke in unison as they stared at the daunting building. u.a was a goddamn scary place in this light - it was their chance today and they only had one. they had to make it count. izuku clutched the strap of his backpack and turned to the girl - she looked back at him. they nodded to each other.

there was stomping from behind the two. "get outta my way!" the voice demanded in a shout. the two parted immediately and katsuki walked straight past them. grumbling as he did so. {name} shook her head as she cupped her hands and brought them up to her mouth. "get that stick outta your ass." she hurled back. the blond boy paused - so did izuku from beside her.

however, unlike what he would've done before, katsuki stormed off in the direction of the school building. no doubt twitching with the thought of setting an explosion off at the girl.

{name} grinned at izuku, cheekily. izuku shook his head and they both prepared to take a step forward. that didn't go well for either of them - izuku tripped over feet and {name} had to act quickly and grab him by his backpack. she steadied him before letting out a laugh at his misfortune.

they both made their way into u.a academy - itching with nerves.


they both headed to the examination hall - each taking their seats. izuku was on her left and, unfortunately for everyone, katsuki was on her right. present mic stood on the stage at the front of the hall. "for all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today! everybody say something." actually, {name} could swear the only noise she heard were crickets.

'damn, tough crowd.'

she had to tuck her wings closer to her body behind her back so they wouldn't hit anyone as she sat down in her seat. present mic tried again to get some audience interaction but there was still nothing. izuku was gushing by the side of her as he fan-boyed over the pro-hero.

he explained how the examination would go and everyone pulled out the battle-arena cards from under their seats - all three of them were assigned to different places. {name} pouted at that but understood why they did it.

all of a sudden, someone in the crowd stood up. "may i ask a question?" his booming voice started and once he was given permission he started - his loud voice carrying through the whole hall. "on the printout, there are four types of villains! if that is a misprint, then u.a, the most prominent school in japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake! we examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes!"

'woah, he speaks so fast. not to mention he went in on u.a."

{name} couldn't say she wasn't entertained. that was until he turned and commented about izuku's mumbling. that made the girl scowl. {name} didn't take kindly to the tone he had taken with izuku but before she could say anything - izuku's hand went to her sleeve. it was their little thing - him silently asking her to let it go. she slumped in her seat but honoured the request. choosing to curse the blue-haired boy out in her mind instead.

'at least izuku didn't stand up and interrupt the whole presentation over some small nitpicking issue.'

present mic calmed the chaos down quickly. explaining that the last robot would be a 'zero-pointer'. it wasn't worth going after and should be avoided. {name} understood that much.

he ended his speech with. "go beyond... plus ultra!" {name} grinned and pumped her fist into the air - feeling excitement course through her. she jumped up from the seat and wagged her finger at izuku. "now, you better give it your all and then we'll both be hearing a lot more of that 'plus ultra' stuff." she spoke out - izuku jumping up from his seat as well and agreeing with her. nodding his head and sharing her excitement. katsuki watched and rolled his red eyes at the display between the two of you before he got himself up and walked away.

they both went over to their assigned arenas after wishing each other good luck with the exam.


{name} was surrounded by a crowd of people - she knew nobody. she took a few seconds to calm herself down. shaking her hands to try and expel the lingering nerves she had.

the exam started soon after - everyone rushed forward to try and get in their points. {name} stood back for a second and watched - nearly everyone went in the same direction. she started to jog and went in a direction that not many people went in. thinking that was a good strategy on her part.

she walked along the exam site - looking at the roads and the buildings. she had an idea - walking over to one of the buildings - they had locked doors as she had already checked. "okay, {name}, you can do this." she muttered out to herself before she pulled her hand back and used her sharpened nails to plunge into the brick wall - it worked. she wanted to joy for joy.

'i'm so amazing. top strategist.'

she used that leverage to boost herself up - she scalded the side of the wall until she made it to the top. she sat herself down on the roof as she gazed at the surrounding area beneath her. looking down at her nails as she smiled. she got herself up after a few seconds - no time to waste. seeing plenty of robots. however, she had a plan that sounded way cooler.

she waved her hands in a wild fashion. "hey, robot, over here, you dummy! come and get me!" she shouted. to which, a few of them had turned around and immediately made their way over to the girl who was openly antagonising them. she waited until the first one got close then used her wings to hover a little before she let herself fall - lifting up her right leg. when she got close enough to the robot - she brought her leg down straight onto its 'head'. the thing quite literally got split down the middle.

she began to laugh - a little manically as she continued to use her fangs and claws to take down the robots. earning herself more points by the minute. she boosted herself up onto buildings when she could and repeated her actions - getting more attention from the robots and students around her that way but she was surely making her way up the leaderboard in points.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now