ミ★ 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘢 ★彡

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honestly, {name} thought that some of the classes in u.a were a little boring - it was so mundane. she sighed as she rested her head on her opened palm. eyes watching present mic up front of the class as he went over some grammar in english. she wanted to bash her head against the desk.

one quick look around the class practically confirmed that majority of the class felt the same - her eyes lingered a little on izuku, mezou, iida and ochaco. izuku was on the edge of his seat - he obviously knew the answer. iida and ochaco were both taking notes - however, there was a difference between them. ochaco looked like she was trying to cram every detail of information onto the page while {name} had noticed iida was one of the people in their class who took notes on basically everything.

after the class, she headed to the cafeteria with izuku - giving mezou and the blond boy, denki kaminari, a wave as they walked by. katsuki was already being hounded by a red haired boy - eijiro kirishima. he seemed like an interesting boy from what {name} had observed so far.

'maybe his friendliest will rub off on katsuki.'

she ended up sitting with izuku, iida and ochaco - all people who she was proud to say she got along with. she wanted to declare the two her friends now but wasn't sure what the normal waiting period for that was. she shrugged internally and decided that all of them were definitely friends now.

they would have many chances to prove that to each other in future.

then, it was finally time for the part of the day she was equally excited and anxious about - hero basic training.

all might, definitely not like a normal person, barged into the class room. all decked out in his hero gear as everyone lost their minds at seeing the hero - especially since he was now one of their teachers. even izuku lost his mind a little seeing the hero in his silver age costume. {name} giggled a little but moved her hand to cover her mouth - hoping to stifle it. she missed the looks she got from the half-hot half-cold boy and the grumpy looking katsuki.

"i will be teacher hero basics. to lay your foundation, all types of training will be done." all might stood behind the podium at the front of the classroom as he spoke - his voice carried throughout the room as he held his hands on his hips. "today, we'll start with pulling no punches!"

katsuki was the one to give the most reaction to that. "fight training." {name} thought the boy was going to catapult himself out of his seat when he heard that.

the class gasped at the news of their costumes already being completed. they all got up from their seats as all might gave them the order to put their outfits on before heading to ground beta.

after changing in the stall once again, {name} took her time in taking in everyone's costumes. it was clear a lot of thought went into each of them. {name} had toyed with the idea of support items but wanted to master her quirk before she did that - she needed to learn how to use her wings effectively. she didn't know the limits of her quirk - didn't even know the limits of her strength yet. it was all still a mystery to the girl and she knew u.a would be the place to learn.

mina, ochaco, momo yaoyorozu, tsuyu asui and toru hagakure all compliment {name} on her costume - jiro kyoka had given her a thumbs up and a smile. {name} couldn't get the smile and light blush off of her face as they all made their way to ground beta.


" they say that clothes make the pros, ladies and gentlemen. you are the proof." honestly, {name} had to laugh a little internally at the looks of some of her classmate's clothes. namely, izuku and shouto todoroki's. at the very least, izuku looked cute - like a bunny. or, like a mix between all might and a bunny but in a teal colour.

{name} had submitted her request for her costume and it was a little basic - tight clothing in her favourite colour. black sturdy combat boots on her feet. she wasn't sure what to request but they made sure to cut a lot of the back out of her shirt to make it comfortable for her wings - and to be able to bring them in when they weren't needed as much. it was considerate of the designers - hopefully she'd learn more about her quirk to be able to request a more suitable costume soon.

all the young heroes in training stood in a line as they looked around at their surroundings. the area surrounding them was exactly the same to the place where she took the entrance exam - a fake city.

all might explained that a lot of the real bad guys stayed indoors and u.a had the means to give them the best of the best training exercises so the battles would be held indoors to give them a little experience.

"you will be split into groups of villains and heroes. fighting indoors in two on two battles." all might went on to say. tsuyu asui questioned if the exercise was a little too advanced for them at the moment but all might said. "the best training is the things you pick up on the battlefield." that seemed to curb any more questions of if they could do it - now was on to the questions of 'how much can we hurt the others' by none other than katsuki.

'big surprise that's where his mind is at.'

everyone bombarded all might with questions - which he promptly ignored as he went on to explain the task at hand. "listen up, the story is that the villains are hiding a weapon somewhere and the heroes must destroy it. heroes must capture the villains or recover the weapon in time to win." he paused for a second as he read from the script he held in his hands. " the villains can protect the weapon or capture the heroes to win."

'could've been a movie.'

the matchups were random - everyone having to pick lots from a box. the class was at an odd number - all might spoke up as everyone was lining up to get their matchups. "one of you will be without a partner. not to worry, everyone else will go first and i'm sure there'll be some people who wish to take the training exercise again for a better score - these people will pair up together and go again."

{name} took a look at the line - the red haired boy from before was last. honestly, he looked a little down. now, she didn't know for sure that he looked that way because of him being the last one to take the exercise and having to wait around but seeing that expression on the face of one of her classmates wasn't something {name} liked. so, she removed herself from the line and went to the back. she stretched her arms over her head as she gazed at the red haired boy - who was looking at her in some sort of mild shock. she tried her best to look a little sheepish as she straightened herself out - her wings pulled back to her body a little. "nervous." she explained with just that simple line and even if he didn't buy her bullshit explanation - eijiro kirishima had the brightest smile on his lips. showcasing his shark-like teeth that {name} couldn't help but compare to her own sharp teeth.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now