ミ★ 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘰 ★彡

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{name} had spent a few weeks getting settled in. her friendship with emi blossomed - although, neither of them had spoken about quirks or their backgrounds before ending up at the home. that was fine with {name}.

she would be starting school soon - middle school. she would have around a year of attending before she would have to enter high school. the fourteen-year-old had been catching up with the rest of the people at the home with her education - she was definitely behind people her own age. everyone assumed she hadn't been before. emi was anxious for the girl - yet, {name} felt nothing about excitement at the chance to be able to go to school.

it meant she would meet new people and she would never pass up that opportunity.

{name} was currently skipping her way back from her favourite store - it was all desserts. it was a heavenly place in her humble opinion. a milkshake clutched in her right hand as she made her way down the concrete pavement.

she didn't realise it but today was the day she would meet someone who she would look up to from here on out. someone who truly inspired her. it was also the day she would learn what she wanted to pursue - being a hero.

the sun was shining and she had her milkshake. today was a good day - {name} decided. however, as she made her way back to her residence there was a disturbance - a giant vilain-shaped disturbance. it was the middle of the city and yet the villain was destroying the train tracks. it took {name} by surprise at first but then she saw the flock of civilians gathered around the road as they watched pro-heroes arrive.

she watched, in awe, as heroes surrounded the villain - each of them had quirks of their own which they wielded with precision. she didn't even have time to think of her own quirklessness at that moment - she was completely focused on kamui woods as he came so close to taking down the villain. that was until mt.lady showed up - she declared her name after knocking the villain down. she apprehended him with ease.

{name} stayed behind for a while - milkshake forgotten completely as her mouth stayed open in admiration for the pro-heroes.

in this time, she also noticed a boy. he had bright green hair - curly yet it looked so soft even from where she was standing. he had his head in a notebook - muttering all the while he wrote down facts about the heroes. that made her grin - knowing just how awesome someone else found the display. as soon as the boy raised his head from his book, she acted fast. knowing she had to get home soon for a lesson in math from emi - who had decided to teach {name} everything she knew.

she waved at the boy - giving him a grin that showed off all her teeth. she hoped that would convey to him that she watched the same thing as he did. watched as she marvelled at the pros. how they saved people.

{name} thought about detective naomasa, hawks and emi as she thought about heroes - they were her heroes. it suddenly clicked in her mind as she walked herself home. she wanted to have that impact on someone's life. wanted to be able to smile and save people. wanted to make a difference.

so, despite being quirkless, the girl was going to do it. she was going to become a hero. she would put in the work and one day be able to help someone - just like those around her had helped her.

{name} missed the way the green-haired boy had blushed profusely at being smiled at - missed the way the older man he was talking to had laughed at the encounter.


while she lay in bed that night - after telling emi about her new goal. {name} felt like she had realised something about herself - as if a puzzle piece had finally clicked into place. it was just one and yet, it felt good. it didn't matter that she didn't feel completely whole yet - she would get there.

emi fell asleep that night with doubts in her mind - she was quirkless. the same as {name} - neither of them could be heroes. it didn't make sense. she only hoped that {name} would let go of that dream before anything bad happened.

{name} fell asleep with a smile on her lips. only to be awakened in the night - drenched in a cold sweat. it was a horrible nightmare, she assumed it was anyway. she couldn't remember it - though she could still feel phantom pains in her chest. she let her hand drift there - checking to see if she really was injured. thankfully, she wasn't. that didn't mean anything made sense to her - not at all. not be a long shot but she wouldn't let anything deter her. she had a goal - school and training were the only things racing through her mind.

although, she probably should've paid more attention to the bad feeling she got whenever she thought of actually becoming a hero.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now