ミ★ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘭𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦 ★彡

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{name} stayed in recovery girl's office until the end of lunch. she thanked the older woman - who waved her off with a concerned expression on her face. she really did not know what was going on with the poor teenager. normally she knew how to help the injured but this girl was proving to be a hard case. there were too many factors at play that she couldn't figure out.

she didn't plan on telling anyone what she heard - could've been her imagination or self doubt but she wasn't going to worry anyone.

she got a text from izuku.


all might can only do his
thing for fifty minutes at
a time now...

she read the message and sighed as she walked down the school hallway - not looking where she was going. she ended up bumping into a certain purple haired boy - once again.

hitoshi shinsou looked down at the mutant girl when she had bumped his shoulder with her wing. a bored expression on his face but his lips in a frown now - he didn't know it before but now he knew. she was in the hero course.

{name} opened her mouth immediately, "jeez, we can't pass each other normally. always got to bump into each other. it's nice to see you again though! sorry about that." she rambled a little and pocketed her phone.

he said nothing to her - regarded her with a slight scowl. it was nothing new - katsuki didn't really look at her without his lips pulling into some annoyed gesture.

she tilted her head though. had she bumped into him one too many times and now he's got a problem with her?

'that would suck but i'm good at getting myself out of situations. just gotta keep talking.'

however, she went to open her mouth again and suddenly the boy took off - walking away from her and down the other side of the hallway. obviously not wanting to continue a conversation with her. she sighed as she watched him for a few seconds. {name} let out a small sigh.

'there goes another potential friend.'

when {name} finally made it back to class - she zoned out a little. getting up from her seat when the bell rang but it was like she was running on autopilot. her body moving for her.

she went to exit the class but she was held back by someone grabbing the back of her uniform and dragging her back a little. she completely missed the horde of people outside the classroom. she would've bumped into someone if it wasn't for katsuki.

her eyes went to him but he had already let go and was now staring down the students at the doorway.

tenya questioned why the students were there but katsuki spoke up. already figured out why. "inspecting the enemy. since we're the class that survived a villain attack. at least now you know what a future pro looks like. now, move it!"

someone she wasn't expecting to see so soon stepped up from the crowd. "i came to see the rumoured class one a, but you just sound like an ass. is everyone in the hero course as arrogant as you?" the purple haired boy asked - in the same bored tone. "what a disappointment to find a bunch of egomaniacs."

'i don't think i'm an egomaniac. says the guy who wouldn't even talk to me though.'

{name} crossed her arms over her chest. feelings that she couldn't explain swirled around in her mind. they didn't feel like hers.

the purple haired boy was explaining how lots of students wanted to be in the hero course. {name} could've guessed that. but the sports festival was an opportunity for anyone wanting to get into the hero course.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now