ミ★ 𝘶.𝘴.𝘫 ★彡

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{name} didn't really have time to think - she grabbed eijirou's wrist as katsuki used his explosions to balance himself in the air.

{name} grinned at eijirou as the redhead marvelled at the girl who was now flying - no one had seen her fly until this point.

when they landed on the ground - katsuki couldn't help but look over at the girl after seeing the new skill she demonstrated.

only, villains didn't wait for a good time to attack and this showed. someone charged at eijirou and {name} opened her mouth to warn the boy yet eijirou had hardened his arm and knocked out the villain in no time at all.

{name} clapped her hands as if she just watched a show and katsuki clicked his tongue at her.

they were getting surrounded by villains - all taunting the three students. {name} had confidence in the abilities of the three of them together and really she had no reason to doubt - katsuki set off in the direction of the mass of villains all the while screaming 'die' as he used his quirk.

{name} and eijirou shared a look before they both nodded their heads and set off to help katsuki out.

by the time the three were finished in the destruction zone, there wasn't a villain left standing. they had made their way into a crumbling building as they took down the villains around them. they were backed into a corner but they managed to come out on top.

they were all catching their breath when the two boys spoke up. katsuki started, "think that's the last of these guys. bunch of weaklings." for once, the girl could agree. they were easy to take down.

"okay, let's go meet up with everyone else. if we're here, everyone else must be here too. especially since us two are the ones that messed up earlier." eijirou continued. {name} gave a nod - it made sense. it was a good plan. {name} nudged eijirou with her wing and gave him a sympathetic look at his last words - he shouldn't feel guilty over something like that. they was trying to help in the only way they could think of - it showed their personalities though. at how they charged straight into danger.

katsuki had a problem with the plan.

' of course.'

"if you wanna go then you two can. i'm gonna take down that warp guy. he's their way in and out of here." she had to agree, there was some logic in his words. but, she also knew that the two weren't able to land an attack earlier.

they weren't alone though - one of the villains came for katsuki but {name} grabbed the mutant villain by his neck and threw him into the nearest wall. clicking her tongue as she saw the villain go through the wall of the crumbling building and shout as he landed on the ground outside. she cringed a little - missing the impressed look eijirou gave her and the slight shocked face that katsuki made.

"these guys are small fries. our classmates can handle them." katsuki decided for the small group - {name} could see katsuki threatening to explode as eijirou stuck close to him.

they headed outside of the building and {name} couldn't shake the awful feeling she got. looking around the usj building, she could tell where the bad feeling she got was coming from. she just knew it - the central plaza.

katsuki looked back at the girl - obviously she was a little distracted. she had a certain look of worry in her eyes - katsuki noticed it. he clicked his tongue in annoyance and turned his head again.

all of a sudden, they saw the mist villain being flung through the air - heading straight for the central plaza.

'why don't my bad feelings ever be over nothing?'

all three of them shared a look before they headed to the place of the chaos.


when they got there, {name} was met with the sight of their teacher being held down by a...creature. truly, she must've been running on pure adrenaline and horror at the sight because she did something..stupid. she ran - directly for the monster and her teacher. she had yet to see the villain that watched her as she approached.

"stupid kid looking for death." the villain with hands covering him spoke. he had a hand covering up his face but his light blue hair was noticeable and made him stand out. disdain in his voice as he stretched at his neck. he waited - to see what the hero in training would do.

{name} rushed at the monster sitting on the back of aizawa. hearing her name being yelled from all around - by her teacher, by izuku and by eijirou. she readied her body and threw a kick at the side of the monster - it didn't even move. not in the slightest. it let out a rumbling growl but did nothing.

she didn't stop though - throwing punches and kicks at the monster sitting on the back of aizawa. it didn't do anything - hadn't been ordered to. until, the warp villain showed up again and spoke to the villain with the hand covering his face up. there was an angry conversation before the hand villain seemed..calm. he watched as the teenage girl tried desperately to get the monster off of eraser head before a grin came to his lips under the hand.

"we'll have to leave. let's cause more chaos. nomu, kill her." he spoke with authority - an eerily calm tone but there was malicion in his tone.

that's when the chaos really started - eijirou and katsuki fought with the warp villain, izuku tried to go after the hand villain and the nomu had completely turned its attention onto {name}. she stood still for a few seconds under the gaze of the monster before her - it came for her first and she used her new found ability. flapping her leathery wings to fly a few feet off of the ground - she was too slow. the nomu grabbed her leg and threw her to the ground. she got up quickly.

groaning a little - from the pain and her plan not working.

"{name}! get away. run!" aizawa told his student as he desperately tried getting up from the ground. he needed to get up despite his injuries. he needed to save his students. needed to get them to safety.

{name} got into a defensive position as the nomu kept lunging for the young girl. she was quick - that was an advantage she had right now. she was strong but not as strong as the nomu. it was built to take punches from all might and right now, she wasn't stronger than the number one hero.

"i don't think this thing is going to give me a chance, aizawa!" she shouted back. only, she took her eyes off of the nomu for a second to turn her head to aizawa. a bad move on her part - a mistake. a grave one.

the second her eyes left nomu - it came for her. lifting its arm and readying a punch directed straight for her stomach. it landed. it landed and everyone watched as the nomu's hand went straight through {name}'s body.

she screamed immediately - black blood poured from her stomach around the nomu's hand. as she screamed in agony, the same tar-like blood spluttered from her mouth.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now