ミ★ 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 ★彡

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emi had rushed to get the caretakers of the home but when they came into the bedroom to see {name} covered in black blood - they really didn't know what to do.

they didn't know what had happened but {name} was lifting up her shirt to showcase her stomach when they had entered with emi in tow. the wound was..odd. it looked like big scratch marks - like someone had dug claws into the teenagers stomach. but, the oddest part about the whole situation, the wound was now healing in front of their eyes.

when it seemed to be done, the only thing left was the scars of the wounds. no more blood at all except the blood that had already stained the young girl's shirt. it was odd and no one knew what to do. she wasn't in need of medical treatment since her body had healed yet there was some concerns about how her body had healed itself. that wasn't meant to be apart of her quirk - she was still figuring it out and it seemed like {name} knew next to nothing about the 'quirk' she had.

she was told to go back to sleep - emi too. the two teenagers settled back into their beds when the caretakers of the home had left. there was a barrier between the two and this incident obviously wasn't enough to break that - despite how much {name} wanted her first friend back.

she wanted to cry out for some comfort and concern from those around her - the people she lived with. she couldn't help but think about inko midoriya - the poor woman would've been crying at the sight of {name} in pain and scared if she was there.

she couldn't go back to sleep - afraid of having another nightmare.


{name} really wished she could fly the next morning. she really wished she could learn how to do it - just to avoid reporters. the best she could do right now was lift herself a little off of the ground but that wouldn't be helpful right now.

'damn these wings.'

normally she loved being around people but the reporters were a little pushy.

her and izuku got bombarded with mics and cameras shoved in their faces as they tried to make their way to u.a - it was a less than ideal situation.

{name} was a little confused since no one wanted to talk about anything but all might. she could've shown off her cool skills when it came to singing if they had even bothered to ask her about that! but no, all the reporters wanted to talk about what it was like to have all might as a teacher.

izuku was a nervous mess so {name} gripped him by the sleeve of his uniform and dragged him onto the grounds of u.a - where they were safe from reporters. they talked about yesterday with each other - izuku expressing how he would've loved to see her match but he didn't catch any of it. the boy would've loved to get some more details for his hero analysis notebooks.


aizawa stood at the front of the classroom as he spoke to the students of the class. {name} was messing around with one of her pens when she heard him addressing some people individually. she tuned in to hear the last sentence.

"don't sulk like a child. you've got talent." she could guess without looking around who he was talking to but one look over at katsuki's desk all but confirmed it with the way he was scowling.

aizawa continued once katsuki had grumbled out a reply. "and midoriya, finished with a busted arm again? i won't let you use not being able to control your quirk as an excuse forever."

now, did {name} briefly consider fighting a pro-hero? possibly. she knew aizawa's words were coming from a place of wanting izuku to improve but the way izuku ducked his head low at the words made her want to cause a little scene. she held her tongue - knowing that in actuality, aizawa was right.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now