ミ★ 𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 ★彡

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it was that day that {name} had her first encounter with a bully - his name, katsuki bakugou. a blond-haired boy - very spiky hair that {name} desperately wanted to know if it was soft to the touch or if it would impale someone. like a bull with its horns.

the blond boy had blocked off the door once all the other members of the class had left - he had said some unsavoury things during the classes of the day but {name} assumed that's where he drew the line. apparently, she was wrong.

"listen up, newbie, only going to say this once." he used his finger to point at izuku who had already lowered his head - predicting where this was going. "hanging out with a quirkless nerd like 'deku' is only going to make you a loser by association." katsuki explained - a smirk on his lips after he folded his arms over his chest. as if he had exposed some big secret - which, he had really.

{name} didn't know that izuku was quirkless beforehand. not that it made much difference to her. emi was quirkless - {name} still hadn't figured out her quirk.

she held out hope though - something was 'wrong' with her body. the blood test at her time at the hospital proved that much.

'huh, izuku is quirkless.'

however, neither Katsuki nor izuku could've predicted the reaction she would give at the big reveal. izuku was used to being shunned and bullied for his lack of quirk - and katsuki was used to looking down on izuku for not having a quirk. for being so much behind katsuki.

"oh, well that was a mean way of putting it." she stated in a blunt tone - she wasn't used to dealing with people who went out of their way to be mean. this was a learning experience for her.

giving katsuki a little shrug as she continued. "i haven't really figured out my quirk either." her thoughts got a little jumbled as she got sidetracked. "maybe i don't have a quirk? but i gotta have one. otherwise the blood thing would just be weird." {name} didn't think she was weird - not weird enough to have tar-like blood. the only thing that made sense was for her to have a quirk.

she pouted at her own internal monologue - completely ignoring the two boys who stood dumbfounded. "she's a fucking dunce." katsuki muttered to himself. you choosing to willingly hang around 'deku' was starting to make a whole lot of sense to the boy.

fourteen-years-old and she still didn't know how to use her quirk? it was strange. unheard of, in katsuki's opinion. he let out a scoff and shook his head.

"a quirkless nerd and a basically quirkless airhead. hah, fucking match made in heaven. you two freaks were made for each other." katsuki had a self-satisfied smirk on his face as he jested at the expense of the two teenagers.

he didn't stick around long after that - stomping his way out of the classroom with his backpack slung over his shoulder.

'like a true delinquent.'

{name} thought with a nod of her head. she was also adding 'good at talking my way out of situations' to the list of things she thought she was good at - at least it ended up positively this time.

izuku's hand came to touch {name}'s shoulder. "don't listen to anything he says, {name}. kacchan is...rough around the edges. he says a lot of nasty things but it's better to not take it to heart." the boy thought she had taken what katsuki said seriously - in truth, she was praising herself for how she handled the situation that had unfolded.

{name} turned to izuku, who quickly let his hand drop from her shoulder, he was then able to see she was smiling. "i did great! talking myself out of a beat down on the first day of school. man, i am awesome." she finally voiced her thoughts out aloud.

izuku stood - blinked a few times before he, inevitably, started to laugh at her words. he brought his hand up to his mouth to try and stiffen the giggles coming from his mouth. " i..i'm sorry but you sounded so proud." he said through laughs.

{name} watched with a grin on her lips the boy melted into a fit of laughter. it was nice to see the green-haired boy looking so happy - even if she'd only really known him for a few hours now. it was a nice change from how he seemed earlier. she hadn't really seen his reaction to katsuki since she wasn't facing him but she could just feel it wasn't positive.


once izuku had calmed himself down, the two decided to walk home together until they had to branch off in their own separate directions.

izuku had brought it up first - {name} having forgot about her own words until the boy mentioned them. "um, {name}, i don't know if i'm allowed to ask this since we've only really met each other today. but, what did you mean earlier? about blood?" he questioned - a little hesitant but his sense of curiosity was too much to keep his questions to himself.

{name} had stopped skipping for a moment - a little taken aback by the sudden question. she was thrown for a few seconds as she didn't even remember saying anything about it outloud.

'maybe i am a little bit of an airhead.'

she clutched the straps of her backpack as she fell in line with izuku's steps - the two passing a number of stores and people on the street they were walking down. it wasn't like she even tried to keep anything about herself a secret - she didn't know enough about her past to know keeping secrets was sometimes important.

"well, when i was at the hospital, the doctor and nurses said that my blood is different. for one, it's black. it has the consistency of tar, apparently." {name} explained with a shrug of her shoulders - as if the information was normal.

all the while, izuku's fingers twitched in an effort to not pull out his notebook. "y..you do have a quirk?" he stammered a little. he was a little nervous - the girl had been so nice to him so far. she knew he didn't have a quirk yet she said nothing about it - as if the information hadn't bothered her in the slightest. she hadn't even questioned it. being quirkless wasn't the norm in this day and age so he had expected some kind of reaction - he got nothing. at the very least, she didn't seem put off by the information - that was a good sign.

{name} hesitated but then nodded her head - then she shook it. "i mean, yes but no? it's a strong maybe." she groaned and threw her head back - completely oblivious to the strangers that had turned in their direction at the noise. izuku did notice - shrinked in on himself a little but his full attention was still on the girl walking beside him.

{name} continued. "it wouldn't make sense for that to happen if i didn't have a quirk, right?" she eyed izuku who nodded his head rapidly.

that was enough for her - she practically flung herself at the boy. wrapping her arms around him as she squeezed his body. to which, izuku's face had turned as red as a tomato - and he choked up a little. {name} was strong, that was for sure.

she backed off of him after a few seconds. a beaming smile on her lips. she pumped her fist in the air. "thanks, izuku. knew you would be on my side for this." she nodded. looking very self-assured all of a sudden. "logic always wins."


{name} fell asleep that night, in the comfort of her room, feeling energetic for her plans. she was going to become a hero - izuku had faith in her that she had a quirk. she just needed to figure it out.

she had told emi all about her day - gushing over her new friend and how nice he was. she made a point to leave the incident with katsuki out though. she didn't need emi fretting over her.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now