ミ★ 𝘣𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵 ★彡

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the next few weeks followed the same routine - {name} would walk to school with izuku, she would pay as much attention as she could in her classes, her and izuku would eat lunch together, and then the two would walk home together at the end of the school day.

they would even meet up some days after school or on the weekends to go sit in the park together and talk or go get food. it was a real fun day when the two decided to go to the arcade - {name} has never been before and izuku was ready to pass out just watching the girl run around the place.

all the while, katsuki would take any chance he could get to pick fun at the two. most of it was harmless - a few nasty words here and there. some shoves in the hallway of the middle school. it was text-book bullying in {name}'s opinion.

still, neither of them allowed katsuki to get them down. {name} and izuku were fully fledged friends and no one was getting between that.

the girl was still unaware that today was the day. the day where she'd finally unlock how to use her quirk. what motivated it to pump into action was unexpected and an anger filled experience for {name}.


{name} and izuku sat at their desks - {name} was bored out of her mind. truthly, she had already covered this lesson at the home. one of the older teenagers staying there had volunteered to help emi and {name} out with a few things and it ended up being an advanced lesson. {name} had wanted to pull her hair out at the time but she now understood how important the material was. the class ended and {name} wanted to cheer.

'glad that's over with.'

but, before anyone could get out of their seats, the teacher decided to speak up. "well, since you're all first years now. it's time to start thinking about high schools." he announced. grabbing a bunch of papers off of his table - then proceeded to throw them to the side as he made his prediction to what profession everyone in the class wanted to pursue. "i would've handed those out but i know everyone here wants to be a hero!"

the class erupted in cheers - some people letting off their quirks as if it was a display of their powers. {name} turned to izuku, who was seated beside her, then rolled her eyes - lifting up her right hand and pointing her thumb down. to which, izuku gaped for a few seconds then had to stiffen any laughter at the sight.

their teacher chimed in to tell the students they didn't have permission to use their quirks in school - yet, he even sounded lenient as he said it. not really bothered about the young students showing off a little.

everyone seemed to be having a good time - of course, that had to be ruined by one person in particular. the sound of his voice was enough to get {name} to let her head drop to her desk - which katsuki caught and practically let out a growl at the girl's action. {name} could care less about pissing katsuki off - it seemed he was in a constant state of annoyance anyway. she just liked adding to it sometimes - it was funny watching him act like a feral dog when she opened her mouth.

"teach!" he started - disrespectful already. "don't lump me in with the rest of these rejects. i'm not going to be stuck at the bottom like them."

'oh great, he managed to diss everyone in the class with just two sentences. does he not think before he speaks?'

{name} knew that katsuki didn't care about the opinions of anyone in the class - it was something she thought was admirable about the boy. not that she would ever open her big mouth to compliment that jerk. she didn't know much, but she knew you didn't compliment people who went out of their way to make other people's lives harder.

a bunch of people had problems with the way the blond boy had commented on their powers and how far they would go in the future - only a few of them speaking up about it. some mumbled out their protests.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now