ミ★ 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘴 ★彡

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mina had made the mistake of saying working with their quirks sounded fun. {name} was going to agree with her and yet - seeing the look on aizawa's face made her pause. he was smirking like a mad man.

'nope, not going to open my big mouth and make this worse.'

"idiots. today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately." everyone was shocked to say the least. the first day and already there was a threat of explosion hanging over their heads?

'note to self - don't piss aizawa off.'

{name} felt a little confident going in to the physical tests - she was sure she wouldn't come in last place. one last over at her best friend confirmed the confidence wasn't shared. izuku was practically shaking in his shoes. that wasn't a good sign.

she wanted to walk over and give him a little pep-talk. {name} knew that a little talking wasn't going to solve this though. she zoned out on the conversation being held by her teacher and classmates as she focused on izuku. hoping he'd find confidence in himself to pass these tests.


the first test was a fifty metre dash - {name} was up a, quite frankly, grumpy looking boy. the second the buzzer went off - {name} took off in a sprint as she used her wings to gain a little bit of speed. she couldn't fly yet - that would've been helpful if she could go fast enough. she came in second to the ice-wielding boy. a solid score of 5.13 seconds. it wasn't the best in the class but it definitely wasn't the worst.

next was a grip test - {name} closed her eyes as she gripped the metal device in her hand. it beeped after a few seconds and displayed her score - 300kg. mina gasped as she looked over at {name}'s score. jumping next to the girl as she praised her strength.

{name} also took note of the boy in their class who managed to score over 500 kilograms - her eyes widened a little as she recognised him. the boy from the physical exam - {name} dropped the device onto the wooden floor of the gym they were temporarily using as she walked over to the taller boy. "hey! you're the one i dragged along in the physical exam." she started - a smile on her face as she made her way over. she took in his appearance then bowed her head a little before she spoke out. "sorry for that, by the way. i'm {name}." she lifted her head back up to look at him - his body tensed and ridget as he took in her words. "you looked strong and i needed someone to be able to lift the injuried boy. i should've asked first." she apologised.

everyone had taken to watching the interaction go down - curious eyes on the both of them.

a mouth appeared on one of his arms and he used that to speak. "it was no problem. i'm glad you did it." the taller boy started before he introduced himself. he was a little surprised to see the girl walk over to him and that reflected in how long it took him to reply. " i'm mezou shoji."

all the while, {name} smiled softly at mezou and nodded her head. she had already decided, mentally, that the two would be friends from here on out. he had really helped her before and he wasn't even slightly interested in her apology - maybe aizawa was a little wrong. {name} could already tell u.a was going to be the perfect place for her to make friends.

{name} got some impressive scores on some of the tests and some average ones - it was clear to see where her strengths were and what she needed to work on to be on par with her classmates. she was determined.

they all stood around, waiting, as izuku stepped up to do the ball toss. "If midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home." iida pointed out - stated the obvious for the small group who were all watching in anticipation.

katsuki scoffed before he voiced his own opinion. "huh? of course he is! he's a quirkless loser!"

{name} just knew katsuki wasn't going to have a good reaction when the news got around to him. but before she could even think on it more - iida retorted. "he has a Quirk! did you not hear about what he did in the entrance exam?"

'cue katsuki having a breakdown.'

she crossed her arms over her chest and didn't look in the direction of the red eyes that were boring into her. katsuki fumed as he stared at {name} - waiting for her to tell everyone that izuku was quirkless. she didn't. it would be a lie now.

izuku's toss was a complete failure but that was due to aizawa easing his quirk. as soon as that explanation hit katsuki's ears - well, small explosions left his palms as his eyes sent from izuku, who was talking to their teacher, to {name}, who was looking up at the sky as she tried to play innocent with this one.

turns out, aizawa is a pro-hero. although, {name} did almost giggle at the name he had chosen for himself.

izuku lined up to take another go at the ball throw. "you can do it, izu." {name} muttered out - her heart in her throat as she watched with eager eyes. she knew he would do it - he would find some way of not breaking his arm again. he just had to - to stay at u.a and become a hero.

he threw the ball and...it landed 705.3 metres away. {name} pumped her fist in the air and let out a cry of joy - he did it! he proved he could do it without breaking his arm. although, he did break his finger.

{name}'s eyes went from izuku over to her side where katsuki was, well and truly, losing his shit at the revelation. {name} didn't even have time to grab him before he took off in izuku's direction while hurling insults at the green-haired boy - questioning him about the quirk he just showed off.

"cannot say i'm surprised." {name} muttered - which caused a few people to turn to her as they gaped at katsuki. she was acting like this was normal.

she did get a laugh out of aizawa stopping and wrapping katsuki up in his capture scarf though. all the while their teacher complained about getting dry-eye when he overused his quirk.


everyone gathered in a group as aizawa pulled up the score-board for the tests. {name} came in sixth - it was an okay score in her opinion. she had a lot to learn and improve on.

izuku placed last. {name} fumed immediately - she took a step forward but aizawa eyed her and let out a sigh of his own. "no one is going home today." he declared. explaining how he wanted everyone to give their all in the tests.

izuku was told to go to recovery girl and honestly, {name} just wanted a long nap after her first day. it was filled with stress and physical activities.

at the end of the day, {name} got acquainted with iida and a cute brunette named ochako uraraka. the small group of four talked about their day together - {name} and ochako being the most lively as they ran circles around the boys while they both spoke. {name} also got the chance to trade phone numbers with the girl - it was a good day. she couldn't help the smile on her face as they all made their way to the train station - it was genuine and filled with warmth.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now