ミ★ 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘦𝘧 ★彡

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{name} and izuku both stared at all might - confusion taking over their expressions as the pro-hero spoke - mainly to izuku. all might had already seen {name}'s will go save not only her best friend but katsuki too - she already had a quirk.

"hahahaha! what's with that face? it's just a suggestion. the real show starts after this.
listen, young man. you need to decide whether or not you will accept my power!" izuku now stood beside {name} and she gripped onto the sleeve of his school uniform as all might spoke.

'accept his power?'

now, {name} knew she wasn't the sharpest tool in the box but was this guy purposely trying to make no sense? she wanted to tell him to get to the point but she thought that might be a tad disrespectful seeing the way this conversation was going.

izuku truly showed off his fanboy knowledge while the two talked about how no one knew what all might's quirk was. {name} admired all might but she had to admit she was nowhere near as much of a fan as izuku was. if she had to pick a favourite pro-hero - it would be hawks. she still felt indebted to the number three hero for having saved her on one of the worst days of her life.

as it turns out - all might inherited the quirk from someone else. this really was a day full of surprises. {name} had to keep her jaw from hitting the ground. this was groundbreaking information.

"one person cultivates the power and passes it on to another person, who also cultivates it and passes it on. it is the crystallisation of power that spins together the voices of those who need help with a courageous heart." all might divulged the secrets he had about his quirk. {name} wondered how they would tie into this. izuku was the one to question it aloud though.

to which, all might replied with something that would forever change the lives of the two. for better or worse.

he started - confident with his words as he spoke out. "i have been looking for a successor. and then, i thought it would be all right for you to inherit it." all might pointed towards izuku with his finger. all the while his smile stayed on his lips.

izuku and {name} blinked owlishly at the man - taken aback for a few seconds before izuku replied. self-doubt clear in his words. "{name} has a quirk and she's more heroic than i am. wouldn't it be better for her to have it?" {name} finally let go of izuku's sleeve but used her hand to slap the boy's arm.

'what the hell does this idiot think he's saying?!'

she shook her head and readied a reply. yet, all might beat her to it with a laugh. "young {name} has a quirk. both of you are heroic and yet, i want to give you a chance to fight in the ring, young man."
he said before adding. "you are just a quirkless fanboy but you proved your worth today. you acted like a hero. ran into danger to save someone in need. meddling where you don't belong is the true essence of being a hero! you have that in you."

" quirk! quirk!" {name} couldn't help it. she jumped up and down where she stood - excited for her friend. this was it. this was how izuku was going to attend u.a - this is where their journey truly began. together. they would do it.

izuku, obviously, agreed with zero hesitation after that.

that being said - izuku would now need to train his body to be able to inherit the quirk but neither of the teenagers looked deterred by that. {name} declaring she would train herself too.


that night, when she returned to the home. there was a lot of reactions to her quirk. emi, who the young girl had considered her best friend up until now, locked the girl out of their shared room in the night due to the way her quirk made her look.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now