ミ★ 𝘪 𝘢𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 ★彡

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{name} and izuku bad-mouthed katsuki and his lackeys the whole way out of the classroom and out of the school. {name} had slung her shoulder bag over her shoulder as they walked and talked.

"i mean, if i had listened to him then that would mean he instigated a suicide." izuku shook his head as he spoke. it was nice to see izuku speaking so freely - especially since it was about the way katsuki treated him. the boy could go on and on about heroes but {name} sometimes worried about him bottling things up.

she wanted to be there for him. she spoke her mind freely about just anything with the boy and wanted him to feel the same comfort in their friendship that he could do the same. she was glad he was finally feeling like he could. she was a good listener.

they both made it out to the koi pound the middle school had - seeing izuku's hero analysis book laying in the water. izuku let out a sigh but {name} wasted no time in fishing it out. shooing the fish away from the book.

'fish have no respect.'

she shook her head at the state of the book - she flipped through it. "it's still, somewhat, readable." she thought for a second before holding the notebook out for izuku. "we'll get katsuki back." she declared - which made izuku pale a little. his arms flailing around as he decided that would be a bad idea. yet, {name} had already decided. "it's not anything bad, izu. we'll just both get into a.u." that was the plan anyway - but, when she said it with that mischievous grin on her lips and the suddenness of the nickname she used for him. well, izuku was lucky his nose didn't start bleeding as his whole body took a second to process her words.

but, despite what happened early, he gave her a beaming smile of his own. "right!" he agreed.

'one of these days he's going to blind me with that smile.'


the two started talking more about high school as they walked home. izuku, gladly, told {name} everything he knew about the u.a entrance exam. there was a physical examination and a written test. {name} groaned at the thought of the written test. despite not having ever remembering using her quirk - she wasn't too worried about the physical examination.

the next series of encounters and actions would forever change the lives of the two fourteen-year-olds.

they were passing through a tunnel on their journey to their respective houses. yet, someone else was also in that very same tunnel. a villain looking for a body to use as a vessel. the slime villain is what he would be dubbed later on in the news reports.

it happened suddenly, the voice of the villain barely registering for the two teenagers before it sprang into action. covering izuku's body in slime as it cackled in twisted amusement. {name} could still see izuku's widened green eyes - his hand reaching out as if he was pleading for some sort of help.

{name} stilled completely - her emotions going haywire. then, the impossible finally happened. her intense emotions in a moment of fear and the anger she had faced in the day all bubbled to the surface.

painfully, leathery-looking wings sprouted from her shoulder blades. they ripped the back of her shirt as they took full form.

blood poured from her forehead as she screamed out - two flesh horns emerged from the top of her forehead. tangling with her hair until they stopped growing out - two five inch horns.

her fingernails were then next to give her pain. her nails grew at a rapid pace until the old ones fell from her nail beds and in their place grew new ones - sharper ones.

lastly, her gums grew painful - her canine teeth elongating until they prodded against her lower lip. perfect for a predator. meant for a predator.

{name} had no time to think about all the pains in her body - had no time to awe and question her quirk and how suddenly everything happened. her friend needed her. izuku needed her.

now, that didn't mean she knew what to do. she was so out of her depth. but, she knew what she wanted to be and today was her day to prove that. she ran towards the slime vilain and izuku - raised her hands as she started using her new fingernails to claw at the slime vilain. tears streamed down her face at how scared she was at the possibility of losing izuku.

"you can't take him from me! i won't let you!" she wailed out. the slime villain seemed to take joy in seeing the young girl in distress - manically laughing as the girl gave her all to try and free her friend. "give him back!" she screamed.

only, the slime villain and izuku weren't the only ones who heard her that time. all might had emerged from a manhole - the cover hitting against the tunnel wall with a smash. {name} wasn't concerned about that - not in the slightest. not when the scariest day of her life was playing out in front of her.

"have no fear, young ones. i am here!" all might declared before jumping into action.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now