ミ★ 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 ★彡

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{name} couldn't help feeling a little nervous as she stood outside the door to her new homeroom classroom - it was a nerve wracking experience. one that she didn't have any prior experience in. the door looked more daunting by the second. she knew she had to knock - had to go in. but, the thought of running back home did come to mind.

and so, she bottled up the nervousness - she didn't need it. she was going to make a good impression today. was going to make all kinds of new friends. she could feel it.

the teacher called her in with a smile. she stood in the front of the class - eager eyes of all the students on her. she bowed - she had learnt that it was a custom here and she was trying to give her best first impression. "i'm {name}. i hope we can all be friends." she spoke - smiling softly as she lifted her head back up to meet the gazes of everyone in the class.

one person stuck out to her. it was the boy - the one she had met before. the one she smiled at - he was here. she wanted to give herself a pat on the back for picking to attend aldera junior high.

'damn, how lucky can i get?'

she felt at ease immediately. she was sure they could bond over the sight they both witnessed together. she wished she had stuck around that day to talk to him but she was on a time crunch at the time.

{name} gave the boy a small wave with her hand as she walked by his desk to get to the one she had been assigned. completely missing the immediate scowl another boy got from seeing the action.

she slumped a little in her seat and just like that - the lesson started. she had gotten herself needlessly worked up over nothing. that made her sigh in relief. {name} twirled a pencil around in her right hand as she focused on the lesson. it was math - which she had gotten better at recently.


it was a boring lesson but {name} had all but jumped up from her seat when it had ended. she knew where she was going - straight over to the green-haired boy's desk. she had an easygoing smile on her face as she spoke to the boy - who looked as though he was about to faint. "hey, i saw you at that big vilain attack! you remember that? anyways, i just wanted to come say hi." she seemed so confident in her words - as if rejection wasn't even something that crossed her mind even if she knew absolutely nothing about the boy.

he spluttered for a few seconds but eventually found his voice. " i'm izuku midoryia. y..yeah, i remember." how could he forget? she smiled at him. as if she was on his wavelength about how cool the incident was - more so, how cool the pro-heroes looked while they took down the villain. he actually remembered to introduce himself a little later on - izuku midoriya. {name}'s first friend that was her age and wasn't one of the kids in the home. she was ecstatic.

she pulled up a chair to sit by his desk - the two started nerding out over heroes. {name} quickly learned two things - izuku rambled a lot and he really looked up to the number one hero, all might. the pro-hero was the boy's role model.

{name} nodded her head along with his words. practically vibrating in her seat as they continued talking. "hawks is my favourite. man, i really look up to him." she exclaimed - a little louder than she probably should've. "you know, he saved me once."

izuku almost fell out of his seat as he pulled out a notebook from his backpack at that. he pulled out a pen and looked at the girl was the most expressive eyes she had ever seen on a person. "please, tell me about it!" he begged. wanting to add anything new to his hero analysis book.

so, she did as instructed - oblivious to the pair of listening ears that lurked outside of the classroom door.

izuku was a hard person to say 'no' to - she'd come to realise. he just had this energy surrounding him. it was hard to be self-conscious or shy around someone who seemed like they would faint from a simple introduction.

"he just swooped in! caught me while i was falling then took me all the way to the hospital." she was sat in her seat yet her hands were making gestures as she told the story. and in that time, {name} decided one thing about herself.

'i'm great at storytelling.'

izuku forgot to even question why she was falling - too caught up with the new information he had gotten on the number three hero. that little fact would have opened a whole different conversation for the two fourteen-year-olds. and, of course, the one listening in.

she slumped back into her seat as izuku continued to write anything down - his hand moving rapidly across the page as she watched in fascination. she openly watched him with awe. which, he reacted by madly blushing once his muttering-fest had come to an end.

{name} knew right then and there, the two of them were going to be good friends.


it didn't take long for katsuki baukgou to become bored with loitering around outside the class door - listening in as the two talked inside. anyone who willingly associated with 'deku' was a nobody in his opinion. not that the new girl knew just how much a loser the nerd was. she might just have shitty taste when looking for friends. he could spare her some lenience, if that was the case.

'just a good scare and she'll know not to go around picking friends with quirkless losers like that damn deku.'

just as he was about to storm in, the bell rang out. he gritted his teeth. he'd have to wait until later but he wasn't going to give up with his new plan.

ミ★ 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now