97. Realistic

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Let's be realistic, or maybe biased - who knows? We all have our own beliefs. First and without a doubt, we will all die one day. It's a scary and odd thing to talk about, but the fact is, all of us will pass away eventually. It's sad, of course, but why are we still wasting our time and not being more grateful for what we have? We take almost everything for granted.

So from now on, whatever happens in your life, take it as it is. Let's not regret how we've spent our time, but instead see it as experience gained. Let's fix our focus on living in the present.

And yeah, I'll be realistic as well - I don't know what I just said. But the point is, we need to stop regretting, overthinking, and stressing so much in life. Let's just live life as it is, whatever it may be. As I said, I don't know. It's up to you now.

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