100. One

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I finally made it!!! Well, I just sighed as well. But it is a sigh of relief and happiness. I made 1% progress towards my 10,000 thought goal. I really have nothing else more to say. I need to rest now. I am glad I accomplished it. Ten thousand seemed impossible at first, but when you see progress like this, you will probably continue to do it. It's a feedback and progress loop.

Who cares to read this until now? Well, I did. So, thank you, myself, for doing this. No matter how tired and upset you are right now in the real world, no matter how envious and sad you feel, remember that life continues as long as you're breathing. Stop wasting it. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so whatever happens today, be thankful.

And of course, thank you, God, if there really is a God. All I can say is I am sorry and thank you for doing all of this and making us experience life.

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