105. Envy

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Now that I am talking about the things I don't want to talk about, why not the topic that each of us hides the most?

Envy. This is one of the seven deadly sins, but we must tackle it. I am envious of how some of my batch students have their college path already laid out, as well as having a scholarship, even in one of the biggest universities in the Philippines. It's just that I wish I had been aware and taken those entrance exams before. Why am I not aware of them? Regret is what I feel at the moment. I mean, I am at the top of the whole batch, but my path is still undetermined.

I really hate this feeling, but I must deal with it, and that's why I wrote it. I will talk and analyze this myself. I need to make the decision without the concern of what others might feel or say to me. I love competition for sure, but most of the time, yourself is your biggest enemy you need to compete with. I need to win the clarity within myself.

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