Chapter 46

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Cale was able to sleep comfortably until the next day for once he felt light and at peace with himself once his secret was lifted even though he wasn't done talking yet.

" How are you ?"

He barely opened his eyes when this question was asked. He turned his head towards the voice, it seemed as if both the count and Basen had not moved from their place while he slept.

He frowned at the dark circles under their eyes. "You should have gone to sleep."

"We're fine Cale, we never answered my question."

"Good, I feel good. And I intend to quickly make the journey to Whipper's kingdom." Cale remembered that they hadn't been able to discuss this yet since they talked about his secret.

"I couldn't stop you, but please be careful and everyone comes with you. Please also promise me that you will not abuse your powers. I won't hold you but I want you to be careful."

"Yes I promise, I will."

"I know that the god of death brought you here to save this world according to him and well my other son but I want you to think of yourself all the same."

"Of course, I always do."

Basen as Deruth looks at Cale with skepticism.

"So I'm thinking of speaking to Madame Violan and Lily. Before leaving I preferred that this be done quickly."

Deruth grimaced slightly at the word 'ma'am', not forgetting that Cale was calling them by name. It was a bit strange as he heard Basen called "brother" several times. "Cale you can call us whatever you want but don't forget that we are your family okay." He didn't want to rush him but he hoped he didn't forget it.

"Of course....father." It was strange for him to say the word and mean it before, at best, playing the role of a stranger.

Deruth smiled before standing up.

"Okay, I'll organize the meal and you can talk to them then, and see what I can do to help you prepare for your trip. Just Cale if you want to tell others, please don't do it like you did to us." The count was almost pleading but Cale didn't understand why.

Seeing Cale's expression, Basen intervened. "It was a bit shocking, maybe try to be gentler and take it easy."

Cale looked at Deruth seeing him also nod at Basen's words. "  I'll try."

Deruth then left. Basen had stayed but was now staring at Cale.

"Are there a few things you want to ask me?"

His brother's eyes now sparkled with curiosity. "Can you tell me about your world, where you lived before, what it was like?"

Cale smiled at that, at Basen's childish impatience but his past wasn't a good story to tell especially to someone so young. But if he wanted to...

"Can you wait a little longer? I'll tell you everything you want to know once everyone knows. And you could all ask me questions."

Basen quickly accepted, still impatient.

The rest of the time the two brothers were calm until Deruth came back to get them to tell them that everything was close.

Both could see that Cale was visibly stressed. "Don't worry, they'll be happy to know too. I'm also slightly sure that Violan has noticed something is wrong with you lately."

" What do you mean ?" Cale was intrigued, yet he respected the behavior of the old Cale.

"Well-" Deruth had a sheepish smile and Basen looked at his father.

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