Chapter one

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Chapter no 1

Bella's POV,

I was super excited to go back to my town. It's a middle sized town in London. I have stayed there for 16 yrs. I have been to India for last 3 years for Social work degree. Now I have finished with my final exams and heading home. Ohh I so much miss my aunt's homemade food. I love my family dearly. They are my whole world. I can't even imagine my life without them. My parents died in car accident when I was one year old. It is my mother's sister Karen and her husband peter that raised me. They loved me as their own daughter. My cousin Melissa is like my real sister. We have been always together. We did all fun things together. I can't wait to go home and have girly talks with her.

My plane landed on airport. I was very much nervous to meet them after such a long time. I completed all my exit formalities and carried my luggage to airport exit. I tried to search for my family but no one was there. I felt disappointed and tried not to cry. I really thought they will come to receive me on airport but here I am standing alone outside airport gate. Suddenly something covered my eyes and everything went black. I tried to pry that thing from my eyes. It was someone's hand covering my eyes.

"Who are you? Leave me." I cried in horror. A sound of laugh filled my ears. I recognized that voice. How can I forget it? It was like not remembering features of my own. It was Melissa my dearest cousin.

"Melissa! I know it is you. Now leave me and come in front of me. "I called out for Melissa.

I opened my eyes to see my sister standing in front of me with big smile on her face. My uncle and aunt were standing behind her. Both of them were smiling and happy to see me. I hugged all of them. I couldn't control my tears as I saw them. I was overwhelmed to see them.

"Come on Bella, Let's go home. Everyone is waiting for you at home." Uncle Peter said.

In the entire car driving Aunt Karen was asking me too many questions about my health and my travelling. She was fussing over my health. Uncle peter was laughing on over concern of my Aunt. I am very much lucky to have them as my family. On other hand Melissa was just smiling at me.

As I entered in home I saw all my friends, neighbors and other relatives seating in hall. They all cheered as they saw me and came to hug me. I couldn't stop smiling to see them. They had arranged party for my arrival. It was going to be a long day I guess.

All night I and Melissa were catching up on our updates. I showed her photos of my friends in InBella. How I can be a good social worker and all. Melissa was very much proud of me after listening to my achievements in academics. Melissa was also going to college and studying business. She was popular girl of her college and boys were drooling after her. I knew Melissa would be one of famous girl in her college. It was in her personality. Melissa was not yet finished with her exams and her last couple of months of term was pending. I was going to be bored till she finishes off with her college exams. I decided to meet my friends in the town and spent some time with them while Melissa will be busy in her work.

Next day was "kill Bella's stomach" day. Aunt Karen cooked so many variety of food for me that I got tired of tasting each item. Melissa was teasing her that she never cooked such tasty food for her and she is not her favorite anymore. I decided to sleep all day at home and meet my old friends in the evening.

I was just watching tv in the afternoon then suddenly my phone buzzed. It was my friend Julie from high school.

"Hey Hiii Bella! Finally you are back. How are you?

"I am great. You say? How are you? What are you doing now days?

"I am studying law. Hey are you free in the evening? Let's meet up and have coffee. I will call others too."

"Okay Juile. I would love too. Where can we meet?"

"Okay. Meet us at 5 spice café. It's near my home. You know it yeah?"

"Yes. Juile I will be there at 6pm. Bye." I hanged up the phone and again started watching telly. I spent my rest of the time by watching tv and chatting with my Aunt.

At 5pm I started to get ready for café. Melissa was not yet came back. I wanted to take her with me but now since she is not here I decided to go alone. I took my aunt's car and drive towards café. I was surprised with my memory. I remembered all roads as clear as 3 years ago. I parked my car in parking area and entered in the café. I immediately spotted my friends seating in the corner. I was too happy to meet them after such a long time. I approached them shouting" Hey girls, I am here......."

They all turned to me and cheered. They all hugged me together. I greeted everyone. We all started talking at one time, were too much excited to keep quite. Then one of waiter came to us and asked for our order.

I decided that this will be my treat to my friends. So I asked them their choices and ordered to the waiter. He politely explained me that I need to pay first then my order will be served on the table. I nodded to him and left the table to pay for the order. There were already 3 guys were waiting in the queue. I was randomly playing on my mobile while waiting in the line. When I reached to the cash counter. I was so busy in checking my phone that without looking at cashier I said "I will need 4 coffees and sandwich please".

Cashier said" Okay mam, Shit, wait a minute..." I looked up to see cashier but he was bending and picking up some papers on the ground. I couldn't see his face. Then he suddenly stood up from ground and said" Sorry Mam, this is your bill. Please pay the same"

I felt as if I am in different world of angels. I saw next to me was standing a most beautiful boy I have ever seen. He was flawless. His eyes were dark brown, smooth white milky skin, think eye lashes which were shadowing his cheeks, innocent smile and lips with unique shade of pink. His hairs were silky and looking at it I could feel its smoothness. He was neither fat nor lean. His physique was of medium size. He didn't seem to be an athletic. He had long fingers which were holding my pay bill and waving at me.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him. It was like he had freeze me in one place and I can't move.

"Mam, what happened? Are you okay? Here is your bill? Are you listening to me? "The golden boy in front me, was asking me with concern. I couldn't utter a word. I wanted to say you're beautiful but I said most stupid thing one can say" Your pay bill is beautiful".

"Sorry???" He asked me in surprise. People in the back line started whispering about me.

"I mean. Your pay bill is alright. I will pay." I tried to cover my earlier statement. I was very much embarrassed with myself.

I handed him money and went back to my table.

"What took you so long? Where were you? Julie asked.

"Nothing, I was in the queue" I answered her.

Rest of the evening I was not at all paying attention to my friends. I was thinking about the boy at cash counter. I couldn't erase his image out of my head. I keep on glancing at him. He didn't even acknowledge my presence. He was just doing his work. He would smile and laugh with his colleagues. Occasionally he would sigh to himself or became quite and again he would smile. He was like my magnet. I couldn't keep my eyes away from him.

"Hey Bella, Let's leave. It's time to go. Will meet another time" My friend Stacy said.

I was brought back to real world. I was not feeling to leave this place. I wanted to seat here and just admire that cash boy. I can't keep on calling him cash boy. I have to find out his name. What is his name?

"Bellaaaaaaa... come on... Leave" Julie tugged at my hand and tried to make me stand. I stood up in trance and kept walking to get out of café. I looked back at him; he was busy in attending customer. Suddenly a guy called out "Zayn, boss is calling you". At that moment my cash boy looked up and said yes.

I danced in victory in my mind. Yes... yes... Yes... I found out his name. His name is Zayn. I smiled to myself and left the café. I mechanically waved at my friends, drive back to home and directly headed to my bedroom. I lied down on my bed. I closed my eyes. I could see only one face and that was of ZAYN...

In that moment I knew I have fallen in love with Zayn. It is love at first sight for me and I will try to make him mine.

Authors Note:

Guys please tell how was this?? I hope you liked it. 

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