Unwelcome interruption

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Masaru reacted immediately, screeching the tires as he took the fastest route to Usagi. During the drive, he grabbed his phone and called Haruka.

"What's up?" her voice came through the speakerphone.

"Where are you? There's a suspicious man hanging around Ms. Tsukino's house," Masaru asked calmly before I could say anything.

"I'm on site and don't see anything unusual." "Keep your eyes open; we'll be there soon."

Just a short while later, Masaru parked in front of Usagi's apartment. A feeling of tension washed over me as I threw open the car door and jumped out. My gaze swept the street, and then the realization hit me like a punch, and suddenly I relaxed. I knew immediately who Usagi had seen.

Haruka was leaning against the building across the street, her hat pulled slightly down over her face. With her short hair and masculine clothing, one could easily mistake her for a man. I looked up at Usagi's apartment; she was right in Haruka's line of sight.

In a hurry, Haruka pushed the hat back and straightened up when she spotted me. "Boss, there's been no one here. No one has behaved suspiciously or lingered for long," she reported matter-of-factly.

"Come with me," I whispered, shaking my head. It seemed she hadn't realized it herself yet. I rang Usagi's doorbell a few times and then knocked to signal that I was already at her door.

"Usagi, I'm here. Open up," I called out when I heard no movement inside. Finally, I heard her footsteps. The door opened slowly, her eyes anxiously staring at me before shifting to Haruka, who stood behind me. Usagi looked terrible, even worse than during my visit a few days ago at her workplace. I couldn't suppress a mischievous grin. She seemed frozen, unable to move.

Gently, I pushed Usagi aside and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek as I walked past her.

"Was this the guy you meant?" I asked calmly, pointing to Haruka, who was leaning against the doorframe. "Yes," Usagi whispered, still unable to tear her gaze from Haruka.

An amused laugh escaped me at the sight. "Usagi, this is Haruka. I told you she would keep an eye on you."

Usagi was still staring in disbelief at Haruka, but slowly life returned to her. I shook my head slightly and turned a bit impatiently to Haruka. "Didn't you say she knows you? That's why I turned around! Don't waste my time on this again."

Haruka extended her hand to Usagi. "Hi, Moon Face. I pulled you out of the car back then. Don't you remember me?"

Shaking her head, Usagi took Haruka's hand. "No, I'm sorry."

"Now that that's cleared up, you can leave us alone," I said to Haruka, nodding toward the door. Since I was already here, I could have a quick word with Usagi. Clearly, my attempts to keep my distance hadn't worked. Her kitchen door stood open, and as Usagi silently followed me, I poured myself a glass of water.

On the small table were three empty champagne bottles and five empty wine bottles. No wonder she looked so worn out. Usagi leaned against the fridge to keep her balance while I casually leaned against the counter. A slight smirk appeared on my lips.

"Had a long night?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She just nodded, her gaze also drifting to the table. "With whom?" "Minako, my best friend," she said, taking a few hesitant steps toward me. I could almost feel our familiar dynamic reestablishing itself; her eyes were practically searching for my presence.

"You look terrible, and it's not just because of your clothes," I said dryly, looking her over. Her hair was a mess, and the oversized black sweater paired with pink sweatpants was really unflattering. Not to mention the cast on her arm.

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