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My head was pounding as I slowly opened my eyes. I was on the jet. What had happened again? Slowly, I tried to piece together the fragments in my mind.

Kaori, that bitch. I had walked right into her trap. All she wanted, ever since she stormed into my bedroom, was to drag me back to Tokyo, and that's exactly where I was heading.

Had I really drunk so much that I hadn't seen it? But suddenly, I had seen red. I had to get away from her and figure out if her claims were true. If so, Usagi should be seven months pregnant by now. Of course, I could have just called Haruka and asked, but I had to see it with my own eyes. Be there if it was true.

> I'll be landing in Tokyo soon, have a car ready. Tell no one that I'm here. <, I sent to Massaru.

Shortly after, we landed, and Massaru was discreetly waiting at the terminal at the airport.

"Welcome back, Boss. We weren't expecting you until next week for the trial," he greeted me.

"Yes, something came up. Please send the jet empty to Davao and bring some of my things to the hotel. I'll be staying there for a few nights. Erase all traces that indicate I'm already in Tokyo. I don't want to see anyone. Also, I need a car in the garage," I gave him some instructions and sat in the back.

I saw that Massaru was pondering over my instructions. It was the middle of the night, and I fell exhausted into bed. Kaori's words were still echoing in me.

The next morning, I treated myself to a long shower. As much as I hated to admit it, the witch was right. I wouldn't tell her, of course, but I finally had to start facing my problems. There were quite a few, not just Usagi.

Massaru had left a suitcase with fresh clothes in the hallway, another bag with a laptop and the most important documents I needed to review. If anyone could be relied on, it was him. I rubbed my hair dry and quickly scanned the documents. There was a board meeting scheduled for Monday. I marked the date. After five months in Europe, it could be crucial for me to get back into the daily business. I couldn't keep piling my duties onto Kunzite. It was my job to keep everything running smoothly and allocate the funds properly.

But there were two other things I urgently needed to address.

My first stop was the prison. I sat in the car, staring at the building. Saphir. My brother and my greatest burden. I needed to talk to him one more time before the trial, alone.

The man behind the glass looked up at me. "What do you want?"

"I want to see Saphir Prince," I demanded curtly.

"Do you have an appointment?" he grumbled back at me.

I exhaled and pulled out my wallet. "I'm sure you can make it happen without an appointment."

The man looked at the bills I slid over to him, then back at me. "He's in a secure cell, he's a murderer. Are you sure you want to see him?"

I pulled out a few more bills and doubled the original amount. "He won't harm me, rest assured, and no more questions."

He quickly counted the money and nodded. Money had opened many doors for me, and luckily, I had plenty of it. I followed him through the bleak corridors, stopping in front of a heavy metal door. I felt a strange sensation as he unlocked it.

"I'll give you five minutes and pick you up when I finish my rounds," he said. I stepped in with heavy steps, and the door closed behind me, locking me in. What a claustrophobic feeling, not being able to leave when you wanted, but depending on someone else.

The room was small, almost spartan, but what did I expect? It was a prison cell. Saphir was sitting on the bed and lifted his head.

"Brother, what an honor," he said sarcastically, feigning a bow. I pulled the plastic chair closer, sat on it backwards, and fixed my gaze on him. I didn't know what to say. So many thoughts raced through my mind: our good times in the past, the whole thing with Rina, his radical change, and what he did to Usagi.

"What's wrong? Speechless? I've never known you to be speechless. Did your woman leave you?" His gaze was empty.

"Saphir, stop it... What has happened to us over the years? You are my brother, and we were almost best friends once. Damn it."

"Until you slept with the love of my life and drove her to her death," he interrupted dryly. I exhaled and ran my hand through my hair. What was the point? Why was I even here? We had had this conversation countless times and always ended at the same point.

"You know the circumstances, you know it was an accident... Unlike your actions."

"Tell me, brother, why are you really here? Does our father know?"

"No, no one knows I'm here. I wanted to speak to you one last time before the trial, to hear from your mouth that you regret your actions, but I see that's not the case. You can't be helped."

"It must have cost you a pretty penny to get in here, just because you're suddenly getting sentimental?"

"No, Saphir. I'm not getting sentimental. I just wanted to see if there was any part of my brother left in you before I let you rot in prison forever. Thank you for making it easy for me. Because the person you are now is definitely best kept locked up."

There was a knock on the cell door from the outside, and the guard let me out. I threw one last look at what was once my brother. I had truly hoped to find a glimmer of remorse in him. But there was nothing.

At least I could testify on Friday without any guilt. He needed to be locked up, and that for good. I got back into the car and glanced at my phone for the first time since I arrived in Tokyo. Six calls from the witch, two from Kunzite.

> Davao? Seriously?! You should get your ass to Tokyo and not hide again! Are you at least coming to the trial in Tokyo? Don't you dare ignore me! I will find you.< , Kaori.

That woman seriously needed a hobby. Preferably on the other side of the world, far away from me and my private life. At least my plan had worked, and she didn't know where I was. This way, I could enjoy some peace and think things over.

> I'll be there for the trial. < send to Kaori.

That should at least take some wind out of her sails.

I deeply hated driving in Tokyo myself. The streets were crowded, and traffic moved at a snail's pace. Still, I found my way to her new apartment without any problems. There was a free parking spot right in front of her house where I pulled in.

My gaze wandered up to the windows that hid her living room. I was never a coward, even though I occasionally preferred to avoid unpleasant encounters. But now I was sitting here and couldn't get out. I just couldn't. What if Kaori hadn't just thrown an empty claim? If Usagi was really pregnant? Then was it my child or his? Time-wise, it would definitely fit. I would only get answers to these questions if I got out and talked to her. But I wasn't ready yet.

Suddenly, someone drummed their fingers on the passenger side window, and I jolted out of my thoughts. Haruka.

I unlocked the doors, and she slipped into the seat next to me. "Hello, Boss, nice to see you. Had to look twice. Why isn't Massaru with you?"

"Because I had something to take care of." Now or never. Haruka would give me answers without Usagi or anyone else knowing I was here. She also wouldn't lie to my face or evade, she was too honest for that. "Haruka, just answer me one question. Is Usagi pregnant?" As I spoke the words, my hands gripped the steering wheel.

At first, Haruka seemed speechless, but it didn't take long for her to recover and start laughing. "Oh, no. Definitely not. Last week I picked her up from a party where she had gotten lost with her friend."

Relieved, I loosened my grip. So it was all just a bluff from that devil. "Good, thank you for this information. Please continue to keep an eye on her. If you'll excuse me, I need to go."

"What? You don't want to see her?"

"No. Knowing she's okay is enough for me. I have other appointments. We'll see each other on Friday... and Haruka, don't tell anyone you saw me. I'm officially not in Tokyo."

Haruka looked at me skeptically, acknowledged my instruction with a nod, and got out. I couldn't risk anyone else seeing me here. Now I knew everything I needed to know, and that was good. I needed to let it all sink in.

For a moment, I considered driving to the villa, but I dismissed the thought as quickly as it had come. I would enjoy the peace tonight; the next week would be exhausting, and I could do without seeing Father just as much as Kaori.

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