The Encounter

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I watched her for a while longer before grabbing my coffee and retreating to my office. It was time to deal with the chaos my dear brother had left behind.

I started with the most urgent matter—the press. Countless emails and phone calls were inevitable, despite Massaru's efforts. The last thing Usagi needed now was to be besieged by reporters. It was late afternoon by the time I had the major sources under control. The smaller magazines and newspapers would stay quiet if the big ones didn't report anything.

I was on hold with my contact at the police when Kunzite entered my office. He took a seat in the chair across from me and waited patiently.

"Mr. Prince?" the officer's voice came through. "Yes, tell me, can you keep my brother out of this?" "According to the current investigation, the shooter is unknown. There's nothing linking Mr. Kou to your brother."

I exhaled. So my father's plan would actually work. Although it made me uneasy, I knew what I had to do.

"Good, then make sure it stays that way. My brother will be taken to Sweden in a few days and placed in a special clinic. Nothing can leak to the public until then." "I understand. But you know this won't be cheap." "I'll double the agreed price once my brother is out of the country." "Then have a good day, Mr. Prince."

I hung up and ran a hand over my eyebrows. I didn't want to think about how much hush money I had distributed today just to satisfy my father's wishes and save my guilty brother's ass, which he definitely didn't deserve. He should be rotting in a cell.

"Do you want to talk?" Kunzite asked, reminding me of his presence. "What do you know?" "Only that Saphir is caught and sitting at the villa. Uncle didn't say more. But judging by how you look, a lot more must have happened last night. You look like crap, if I may say so." "Saphir managed to fire a shot before being caught. He hit Usagi's friend," the word "friend" almost choked me. "Oh, and how is he?" "He's dead. I've been trying to keep the press at bay all day, and that was just one of the detectives. Father wants to go through with his plan and send Saphir to Sweden," I explained succinctly.

Kunzite frowned. "Can I take something off your plate?" I turned and grabbed a stack of documents. "You could handle the day-to-day business while I clean up after Saphir. Just take care of the essentials so your dragon lady doesn't get too uncomfortable." Kunzite smirked. "You can't be that bad off if you're still taking shots at Kaori." He took the documents from me and began to flip through them. "The important parts are marked?" "Yes, everything else you need I'll send you by email."

Suddenly, my phone rang. Haruka. Why was she calling? Had something happened to Usagi again?

"Haruka, what's wrong? Aren't you supposed to be with Usagi?" "I am with her, she wants to see him," she said curtly. "To Saphir?" I asked incredulously. "Yes." "Do you really think that's a good idea?" "No." "Is she standing next to you?" "Yes." "Give her to me," I growled, needing to hear her voice at that moment. "One moment," Haruka said, and there was a rustling on the line.

"Usagi?" I asked. "Yes," her voice sounded broken. "What is this about? Why do you want to see him? I've locked him up. He can't hurt you anymore. You're only torturing yourself." "Why isn't he with the police awaiting his judgment?" she asked with a trembling voice. "I need to see him! I need to ask him why he did this to me! I need..." her voice broke off. The pain in her voice was palpable; she needed answers to find closure.

Answers that only Saphir could give her, even if he probably wouldn't. She already hated me and would surely hate me even more if I denied her this request. I glanced at the clock.

I sighed lightly. "Alright, but only under supervision. Come to the villa in an hour."

I hung up and looked at Kunzite. "You go ahead, I'll manage."

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