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Christopher : There are some things I can just smell. It's like a sixth sense.

Makoto : No, actually that would be one of the five.


Philipp : Stay down!

Mario : You stay down!

Philipp : I can't hit him from down here.

Mario : Yes, and he can't hit you either!


Rafa, talking about his family : And then she goes ''I wish you were never born!'' and that's why I don't go on camping trips with them anymore.

Kristijan :

Kristijan : I was only asking if you wanted a coffee, but now I think I'm gonna go kill your mom.


Mario : As the old folks say, we all have our inner demons.

Kristijan, patting Rafa's head : Fortunately, mine's an actual living being and is actively seeking out blood for those who wronged me. Right, Rafa?

Rafa : Whatever you say, cabbagehead.


Gonça, kidnapped : Don't kill me. I have a partner.

Kidnapper : You think I give a shit about that?

Gonça : That wasn't a plea for mercy. That was a warning.



Jens : Valentine's Day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than driving people insane, buying a ton of heart shapes chocolates for their partners, and pas-

Jesper, smiling : Well, I actually got you some chocolates and wrote you a little poem.

Jens, already crying : You did???


Rafa : I just feel as if I have a better understanding of this situation than all of you, so let's just do as I say.

Lucas, to Kristijan : Is he this bossy in bed?

Kristijan : If I'm lucky.

Lucas : You're always lucky.


Randal : Why is it that everytime I see you, you're causing some sort of commotion?

Junior : I don't cause commotions, I am one.


Kevin : *has to wear a sash for some big events*

Kevin : I look like the Mattress King.

Mario : You ARE the Mattress King of this club.


Seppl : Look, if you're gonna invite someone over to ''watch a movie,'' make sure the movie isn't a good one.

Seppl : Mario came over and I put on Top Gun : Maverick and guess what we did?

Seppl : Sat on the couch and watched the entire thing because it's a great movie.

Seppl : Guess what we DIDN'T do.

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