0 0 0

Faride : Oh no.

Randal : What?

Faride : I think I've developed an emotional attachment to a human being again.

Randal : You what-


Makoto : You don't like musicals.

Timmy : The new me loves musicals.

Makoto : Well, the old you got us kicked out of the cinema when in a viewing of the Greatest Showman because you kept shouting ''that's not realistic'' at the screen.


Almamy : *pulls a glass of water from out of nowhere*

Evan : Where did you get that?

Almamy : My pocket.

Evan : How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket?

Almamy : Skills.


Timmy : Hey darlin', what's that on your ass?

Gonça, touching his butt : I don't know, what ?

Timmy : It's right there on your ass!

Gonça : Well, what is it then?!

Timmy, winking : My eyes.

Gonça : *shaking his head but blushing really hard*


Kevin : You know the problem with reading a book? You get hooked and then it ends and you feel sad.

Kevin : Nevermind, I have found a new book and everything is alright again.

Kevin :

Kevin : By God, this cannot be happening.


Simon : I love charcoochie boards.

Diant : What?

Simon : You know. The big plates with cheese on them.

Diant : Do you mean charcuterie boards...?


Seppl : Where are you going?

Mario : I need some air.

Seppl : We have air inside.

Mario : I like beer with my air.


Rafa : In my defense, Kristijan, I was the only one saying we should stop hitting.


Rafa : Lucas! Stop hitting! Kicking hurts more!


Jensson : You ever get a sharp stabbing pain in one of your organs and think, shit, it's finally happening?


Paxten : Top five men?

Timmy : I've topped way more than five. 

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