Virgin Wyverns vs. Chad Red Dragon

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'Would I ever find a purpose? Up until now, I wasn't sure of such a thing. Life was both strange and meaningless, was there a duty? Being created by humans is natural, yet not even fulfilling my duty to Chaldea felt it would elevate this lack of existence... But now I know what I want to do! I have to thank you, Keiji-senpai!'

To everyone who wasn't privy to her thoughts, they would have found the eggplant slightly strange as a silly smile, one not fit for the battleground, as her shield crashed into a wyvern. The sharp edges of it allowing her to easily brutalise the wyvern left and right with her shield, unable to hold back the high school giggle.

Perhaps not the best time to think about the golden experience of what had happened a few days ago, but finding something like this was more than enough for her. The usually inexpressive girl finding human emotions flooding her by the dozen as she resolved herself. No matter how short the life was, she was going to do what she could to restore humanity.

Crimson sparks burned through the wyverns, agony from the creatures that Yu continued to pile on. The mana in the natural world allowing Yu to easily spam the attacks like crazy, needing that much as there was just so much going on that she needed answer. Her face twisted a bit, even more than her usual misanthropic self. 'What's got that doll so happy?'

A spear carved through the throat of several wyverns. Liangyu efficiently tearing down multiple of them with her spear. It may not have had any particular anecdotes about it, but being a favourite of hers allowed greater use in it. The spear, which may have even shared the material type with Achilles' spear, doing the perfect job of cutting through the wyverns.

'Lady Yu keeps looking at the lady with the shield, Mash?' Her eyes taken off the battlefield as she had to admit she understood why. From what she understood of Mash, the Shielder appeared to be the reactive type and firm in defending. Not there was any contradiction with her actively fighting off the wyverns, it was more the excitement she held and energy.

A bad day for the wyverns as the flying reptiles were cut down, no matter how many of them had come down. Their corpses would have started stinking the place and piling up had Keiji not moved to burn them into ash. Artoria's mana violently shredding them, never mind that her holy sword was a Divine Construct. Lower level creatures would be cut just attempting to touch it, let alone Artoria diving forward and throwing its weight around on them.

Fire ruining them, the wyverns only able to feel the heat before everything else went away with them. The heat of it rising to the others as the skin was melted down, then it increased to scorching them until their bones went to dust. The process wasn't exhaustive with the mana in the air, his grimoire, the weak wyverns, and improved magic control allowing him to exhaust little energy into erasing traces of their presences.

"Connection established! Are you all okay? From the records, looks like everyone is fine. This Singularity takes place in Orleans, France, 1431 AD. This should be during the Hundred Years' War, how is everything at the moment?"

"I think the dragons around is probably what's out of place, doctor," Keiji sarcastically commented, his grimoire vanishing in sparks of light.

"They're wyverns, not dragons," Ddraig corrected him on that.

Artoria's eyes came upon the Boosted Gear. 'It's strange, why do I feel kinship towards it? It's a dragon, yes, but might it be similar to my conceptualisation?' she pondered to herself.

"Before that, can I ask a question?" Keiji said, pointing to something beyond the sky. "That giant band of light. I don't suppose that's somethings that's linked to this Singularity or always been there," he commented on, allowing them all to properly focus on the massive, anomalous ring of light in the sky above, as large as North America.

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