The Leader of Onigashima

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Thrusting themselves into the top of Onigashima, the sinister air hit them right away. "Sheesh, all this lightning but this isn't golden in the slightest. It's a whole mess," Kintoki called out.

Kotarou was the first to point it out but all of them looked to see the distortion, through which incredible power surged forward. It was clear to all this is the Holy Grail that they were after, only for a familiar figure to take its place beside it. "Why is Lady Raikou already at the Holy Grail? She should have still been in the mountains facing Shuten-douji and Ibaraki-douji!"

"Hold back, everyone! That's not Raikou!"

"But I can see it's her!" Ushiwakamaru responded.

Kintoki nodded. "It's someone else, trust me. Why are you here?! Suzugamori's Ushi Gozen!" Kintoki called out.

"So that's what the foul change in her power was about? Kintoki, tell us more about her. From what I've heard, Ushi Gozen and Raikou are meant to be relatives."

"Me and Raikou aren't so different," Ushi Gozen commented with a smile, whipping her lightning but Keiji countered the attack with a gust of wind. His broadsword at the ready to face her.

Cursing his carelessness as the arrival of Shuten would naturally mean her, Kintoki elaborated on the situation. "To cut it nice and simple like sushi, a cursed child was born from the prayers of Gozu Tenno. But you should remember that Gozen is the title for a woman."

"Y-you make a good point, but how did you know about this?!" Romani questioned.

"It wasn't easy. Even I had to do some digging myself to find out about Raikou's past. She's a child born as the child of the god Tenjin, but her greater power was seen as a curse and she was sent off to the temple. However, her power had grown so much, and so not wanting to miss out on it, she was welcomed back as a 'new born son'. Ah, what the hell am I saying?! You should hear this all from her mouth, not mine. The bigger question is why did you awaken when you meant to be sealed!"

Ushi Gozen grinned. "You are talking quite a lot, Kintoki. But I don't mind. Talking about me is enough to make me happy. Go on, continue."

An idea as to why lit a bulb in Mash's head. "She created Onigashima!" Mash called out, a grin on Ushi Gozen's face.

"Correct. I used it to make a kingdom for oni."

Ushiwakamaru carefully came to the side, sizing her opponent but never approaching. "That doesn't explain why you would do that. What is in it for you?" she asked.

"It's simple. This is all so that non-humans can take back their rights. I'm sure you are aware that many youkai are exterminated for their appearance. Even Raikou thought this was something that was cruel," Ushi Gozen explained to her.

"Even though Minamoto-no-Raikou was famous for exterminating so many oni," Ushiwakamaru countered back.

Ushi Gozen smiled, making sure to keep lightning close to her so that they didn't come attack her while she was talking. That would be very rude. "We both hate oni and think less of them. I created them, but they are just so useless. Humans are still worth keeping around," Ushi Gozen spoke. "They are just pathetic childhood creations, they can't even be decent in reality."

"Even though they were your subordinates, you treat them like that?" Kotarou asked, unable to fathom how one conducted themselves how Ushi Gozen did.

Kintoki clicked his teeth. "I should have known something was up with them. These are the oni and onimaru drawings based on what Raikou showed me when I was a kid."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm planning on destroying the oni afterwards. I've already decapitated Ibaraki and Shuten's belly should be nice and open. However, you shouldn't be alarmed, Kintoki, I did this all for you," she told him.

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