Whacky Magical Girls-land

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Medb happily invited the group of them to her magical land. The use of Chaldea memories allowing them to skip what would have definitely been way too many problems to care about in the moment as their destination was to the Land of Honey and Snow. Medb taking the time to narrate everything they needed to know for their travels.

"So you mean to tell me that I've literally taken out someone who can destroy the world, but I'm likely to not be able to put even a dent in some of you because I'm not a magical girl?" Keiji asked, needing to confirm a big fear before moving forward.

Medb happily nodded. "That's right, you get to finally rely on the ultra gorgeous Medb to keep you safe! Don't worry, Master! There's no way I'm ever letting you be harmed. I'll be sure to keep you nice and warm."

"I can do that just fine for Master, Medb!" Mash to the rescue of private time with senpai.

Illya had a dazed look of confusion. "How can she say she'll warm someone up if her land is cold?" Illya asked, the voice of reason.

Keiji grabbing Ruby before it spoke any further, already aware of what kind of timing it was on. "That's a nice offer, Medb, but can we get back to the main focus? Tell us everything else you know about this Reality Marble for magical girls."

"Well, although I don't think it matters when I'm the best magical girl, but there are other magical girls with their own islands. Nursery ☆ Rhyme founded the Land of Sweets. Medea founded the Land of Dragons and Sea, where she isolated herself out of despair of killing other Magical Girls. Helena founded the Land of Dead Bookshelves, serving as the grave keeper for the Echoes."

"Echoes?!" Mash repeated.

Medb continued on forward. "You can just think of them as failed magical girls. It's not easy being like me, especially when this world is already something ragged."

'You know, I wonder how Serafall would feel about this? It's exactly up her alley... on second thought, it's best I don't mention this at all. She's going to want to implement it in that damn series, tell it as a bedtime story to the kids. Yeah, I have to take this to the grave.'

Medb's conversation continued without Illya interrupting just yet. Her brain still burdened by all the different information coming atop of her, one by one, it just kept on piling up. Illya needing a refreshing head shake every once in a while to keep on track with the conversation. Although she had her own share of experiences with being a magical girl, Illya was left 'weaker' thanks to being stranded from the others.

"There's still something big you need to explain about you haven't done!"

Medb rolled her eyes. "You've got the powers but not aesthetic of a magical girl. Although... that was certainly a strong cry. Very well, what is it? I'm mostly doing this for Master, anyway."

"Ooh, they call him Master. Illya, you have to show them something better."

Illya sighed. "I've got a talking stick as my greatest weapon; I don't have anything they have. No, wait! Ruby, stop distracting me! We may be riding together, but weren't you the one who kidnapped Miyu?!" Illya accused Medb.

Mash taking a few moments before nodding slowly in understanding. "There was some aggression earlier between you two," she noted.

Medb puffing her cheeks. "Like an undergrown magical girl like you or your friend would ever be be part of my plans... maybe."

"Not the right words to use," Keiji muttered, deciding to let the girls talk it out on this one. As a man, especially one whose main mode of attack was beat everything that moved, it was more in line for the magical girls to discuss this.

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