Magical Jewel Collection

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Morning had come after the first day that Chaldea had arrived in the Reality Marble. Medb had explained the majority of what they needed to do, their next objective ahead of them as Illya made it out of her room. Naturally, she was out of her room, so seeing Keiji come out of a room that definitely had both Medb and Mash, she was much slower to respond.

"You doing okay?" Keiji asked her, not sure how Illya was coping.

No answer right away as Illya still had to deal with what she had saw, unable to properly release words without thinking about the mass sex that came to her. It was only thanks to the arrival of Ruby, the troublemaker and provider, that she realised what she needed to do. A quick smile and nod of her head. "Y-yeah! It's not easy being separated from Miyu, but it helps a lot when you and Mash are supporting me. Oh... and I suppose Medb as well."

"Illya, you can't forget how—"

Like deja vu, Keiji watched Illya do all that she could to stop the magic stick from exposing anything else that she wanted to say. Keiji nodding at the situation. "All right, I understand. Let's just continue. I'm sure you've both got plenty of things you need to do in your world, so let's get it over quick," he told her, making way and waiting for the others to get ready.

The communications from Chaldea picking up shortly as those on the other side were briefed about the situation. Mash also taking the time to establish a summoning circle per the instructions for Da Vinci.

"An accessory to better fight in this magical girl region?" Keiji muttered. "Well, I suppose it makes sense for Da Vinci to be able to make something like that. Still, we have been left in quite the funky world."

"Is this Da Vinci really that good?" Illya asked, as although she might have heard the name at least vaguely, she wondered how they translated in the sense of being a Heroic Spirit. It also didn't help that this Da Vinci was seemingly a woman despite the name. Illya not bringing it up, deeming it unnecessary.

Medb taking control of the next operation: the other magical girls were the next location. Naturally, they lacked a certain tool that Medb knew would have allowed them to be directed towards it. Luckily, Medb was aware of where they needed to go and Keiji and Illya agreed it was better to go and search the other islands of the magical girls rather than waiting it out. Illya was both ready and concerned, needing a moment to calm her nerves as she needed to realise that she wasn't the only magical girl there... yeah, words she definitely didn't think she'd be saying.


"Okay... this is not what I expected... who even is he?!"

No complaints, just curiosity. After all, Illya had psyched herself up, stimulated many scenarios, expected a lot more trouble. Only for Keiji to effortlessly ensure there was no problems in the Land of Sweets. The one in control, Nursery Rhyme, having her memories returned and more than happy to give up. The play time that she would have asked for would be sorted at Chaldea.

The things of interest that Illya took note of, rather than continue being amazed, was the jewel that Nursery Rhyme handed off to them as well as the explanation that the Reality Marble is a world where magical girls gather who will disappear when they stop "playing".

"What playing did she mean?" Illya pondered.

Keiji looking to Medb. "What about you, Medb? Do you know of anything like this?" Keiji questioned.

Medb shaking her head. "Nuh-uh. I don't know any silly rule about needing to play to keep your existence," she replied, which Keiji felt ironic for her to say as Medb clearly didn't think the restrictions of the Reality Marble didn't quantify as something silly in their own right.

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