End Of The 1500 Year Long Journey

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Once again, Gawain was rebuffed against the skull-helmed swordsman, his feet skidding across the sand. King Hassan only guarding against him, hardly bringing his sword to offense against the Knight of the Sun. 'It has been an hour since we began this battle...and he has not slowed at all! But I am becoming accustomed to his fighting style. Even this swordsman is not immortal. There must be a way!'

"That's enough. The tolling of the bell has passed."

By his command, the sandstorm ended its reign. Gawain unaccustomed to such a change after all the fighting, confused as to why King Hassan ordered such a command. The shine of the sun coming back onto him.

"There is no need for the sand any longer. My robe need no longer block out the sky. The sunlight shall illuminate the sins of the Lion King. The bell shall pass unto the Holy City," First Hassan answered.

With his Blessing revived, Gawain didn't waste the initiative. "Such arrogance! Once the sunlight returns, my sacred sword will be invincible!" Gawain charging as she spoke, the blade wreathed in the might of his sun, tripled in strength.

Only to have his attack rebuffed again, with seemingly less effort than before Not only that, the force self-defence enough to force Gawain back. "Of course. Arrogance is warranted. That light could not even awaken one who is asleep."

For the second time of the day, Gawain could only be left stunned, repeating what had just happened even as his grip on Galatine went loose at the difference displayed. "Galatine... uninhibited by the sandstorm, yet even under the sun you can still deflect it?" he muttered, becoming lost in his thoughts: 'I was the one who was blind. This swordsman's power rivals the Lion King!'

But such facts demanded an answer. "Why? Why did you stop the sandstorm? No, if you have all this power, why did you not use it until this moment? You could even defeat the Lion King. If you are the Old Man of the Mountain, then, half a year ago... When we built the Holy City, you could have stopped us!"

"No. My blade is only a threat to those who disobey the will of heaven. The will of heaven has not tasked me to fight the Lion King. It has tasked them. Thus there is no need for my blade."

"Those who disobey... the will of heaven..." Gawain muttered, having no clue what the Old Man of the Mountain was talking about.

King Hassan fully turning his back on Gawain. "Knight of the Sun, your blade has proven thine innocence. The passing of the bell is proof. The will of heaven calls thou to that castle. If thou art a knight, thou must hurry. Thine presence of the Dragon-touched Master has already made his arrival to the Throne Room impossible. Before the sacred lance consumes thy chance to confess the last and only stagnation within thou."

Gawain only focusing back up by clutching Galatine, having received two shocking revelations back to back. An impressive feat that Gawain could still hold himself up with what he was faced up against. "W-wait! We are not done here!" he called out, but the leader faded into the shadows. "He is gone. Did he let me go? No, he is not so compassionate. The black hole said that... A crueller fate awaits us... and the Lion King is already under attack!"

"Sir Gawain, you're safe! That was a splendid battle with the enemy leader!"

"The enemy leader...?" Gawain repeated those words, only then paying attention. "I see. So that's how he looked to you."

The Holy City soldier paused at Gawain's response. "Was that not who he was? He seemed to be a terrifying swordsman. Just one glance was chilling...

Gawain affirmed the knight's belief. "Yes, that is right. I never thought I would see the day when I could battle such a splendid knight. I am quite fortunate. I actually feel a little guilty toward the rest of the Round Table."

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