The Evening Bell of Death

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"How is it going so far, Muramasa?" Keiji inquired, it wasn't that long since he had ripped out Agravain's Spirit Origin but it didn't hurt to ask.

Muramasa shook his head. "Unfortunately, it isn't a knight with a Blessing. All the same, it still will take some time. Unlike before, these aren't normal souls we've encountered, so the Sephiorth Graal isn't capable of instantly bypassing the Servant Summoning System."

Keiji nodded. "I didn't expect it to be flawless. It's fine. Any specific progress or is it zero?"

"For now, it's only the access to his memories when he was alive, not from this Singularity," Muramasa told him, taking a moment to ponder. "I cannot agree with him, but his loyalty is most commendable. Even with his circumstances in life."

"Does it remind you of how you were?" Keiji asked, a fully honest question as Muramasa, before he saved him and made him his ally, took a deep route of loyalty to free his Zanpakuto owner.


"Hey, great work! You did it! Heard the good news, Keiji! Sir Bdivere, you should come out from behind the house too. We need to give a proper welcome to those who fought hard, right?"

Ever the positive man, Arash welcomed them back. Not that he couldn't tell with the strength they'd shown before, but things had gone really well. Serenity had come to the village, several supplies stolen by Hundred Personas was brought over, and two more other Servants had joined. A positive sight even for the fatigued Bedivere.

"I know, but... I just... I am so pathetic, to be out at such a crucial time..."

Keiji patted him. "You can't be a knight for your king with that attitude. Chin up, Bedivere. Things are looking good," Keiji encouraged.

"Thank you. I know I shouldn't be depressed. I know I should look forward to the chance to make it up to you. I get pessimistic way too easily. I should be more optimistic like you. And you did a wonderful job, Keiji. I am overjoyed as if it were my own victory."

Raikou smiled. "That's much better, Sir Knight."

Arash looked towards Sanzang and Touta. "Well, are you going to introduce me to the new additions. They look plenty helpful."

Sanzang nodded with that beaming smile of hers. "Yes, my name's Xuanzang Sanzang! I'm here to bring forth the divine protection of the Buddha!"

"I am Tawara Touta. As you can see, I'm just a passerby who somehow got caught up in this," he explained, taking a look around the village, "I heard all about the village on the way here. Well then... Mwahaha... Save the greetings and long stories for later! First, get a load of this! Traveling on Mt. Mikami, exterminating some evil bugs... You can keep scooping from it, but its fortunes never run dry. Seven rounds at the mountain ain't enough. Eight rounds at the mountain ain't enough. If you're about to eat, make many rounds. The Dragon King's mighty generous, so off with the lid and out with the goods! Here we go! Anti-Feast Noble Phantasm... Shower of Tasty Rice! Let it rain, let it rain!"

To everyone's shock, they were left facing a downpour of food and rice. "So this is what that straw bag was about," Keiji muttered, finding it a lot more amazing than what it might have been if he heard it first hand. A Noble Phantasm not for attacking, but for providing. "I guess he's a true hero in his own right," Keiji added.

Mash grabbed several grains of rice. "It's all real."

Martha felt joy upon all of the food coming down as well. "I'll be able to make something really great with this. We've found something really incredible."

"Wh-what is this downpour!? Grains!? Food!? Could this be food!?" Hundred Personas unable to stop gasping with everything she was seeing.

"Yes... There's no doubt, this is rice! Enough to make you take your mask off, Hundred Personas!" Cursed Arm celebrated with her.

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