Leads for the Dark

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"Let's hope they bring those scones. A writer needs it to survive," Andersen spoke, combing through books and writing. Even if he had already written his literature, what left was there for a writer to do but write some more? Was it worthless? Maybe. Pointless, maybe not. His quill continuing to string out words of human understanding, whether they be for good or for evil.

Jekyll finished cleaning up the mess left on his sofa. "I sure hope they are all right."

"Leave that to them to worry about," Andersen commented. "They are the physical labour that people, like you and us, need in these situations. Our roles are working just fine."


The rest of the group had gone to Scotland Yard. Knowledge that it had been under siege. Calls all over London flooding in but to no avail. An army of automata and homunculi also around to stop them, not that it did much with the versatility on their side. They had to make sure to take them down or else they might personally attack, even if most of them couldn't go indoors.

"Sorry to interrupt while you're moving. I've got news from Da Vinci. I'll give you her analysis on Helter Skelter, that huge armored robot. She's still not finished, but according to what she's found so far: First, it's not a Golem. The video showed no traces of Magecraft. Even if it's a pure machine... there's still many unknowns, except that it seems to be steam-operated. It looks like technology that doesn't exist in our year of 2017. It was made via some technology that was hidden, or perhaps lost. It's as if it's a product of some super-technology from a world that took a 'different path' than our own. Yeah. So, I guess you're running right now. It would make sense that you wouldn't answer. That's all I've got. Good luck, guys!"

Arriving at Scotland Yard, the strong wave of blood was clear to the lot of them. "Tch, the yard's been wiped out."

"It's faint but it looks like Jack isn't alone."

"I'm a Caster Servant. I'm one of the leaders of the 'Project' you know of. Nice to meet you," he spoke to them, a soft-spoken male voice that spoke of focusing to accomplish something.

Keiji didn't cut down the Servant right away. "So, wanna explain your reasons?" he inquired, aware that they needed more leads if they were to solve the bottom of this.

"It's a complex set of circumstances, you see. Oh, please call me "P." Unfortunately, you're too late. Scotland Yard has been slaughtered to the last man. They all died horribly. That girl has no compassion within her at all. But it was necessary. A necessary sacrifice. That's all I can say. Man is to be loved. Love and emotions are both noble, brilliant things. But— How sad. Sometimes they pale in comparison to the greater good. Something we need was kept inside Scotland Yard. Figures the Britist Empire, home of the Mage's Association and the Clock Tower, would put a heavy magical seal on. And so, sadly, they were in the way of our greater good."

"He's polite," Mash muttered, unable to get around it. She hadn't been around enough to understand how truly complex humans were, but London certainly was getting around to helping her realise this more. The Caster was committing heinous crimes while explaining his reason without malice in his tone.

Mordred's sword glowed bright with her rage. "Why do you mouth off like you actually know stuff? I could care less about love and emotions! Yet again, you guys laid your hands on what's mine. You're no king. How dare you touch what belongs to a king!"

Artoria moved closer to Mordred. "Don't rush in so recklessly, Mordred!" Artoria reminded her, with Modred's Clarent dying in rage but still shrouded in a thick mass of it.

'It has an immensely sad story,' Nursery Rhyme thought, present with the lot of them but only focusing on the Assassin Servant that was nearby. Jack still hadn't made a move, even as the fog continued to annoy everyone.

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