83| They're coming

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"Is that even possible?"

I look at my mom. It's only been a few months since I've seen her. Both her and my dad came to New York to see the kids.

I think she was shocked to say the least when she saw Scott and I walk into the hospital together. Beacon Hills has become a distant memory in a long line of ones trying to forget what I did to become the person I am today.

"Technically speaking.." everyone looks at me. "Yes. I mean if I wanted to I could bring Lizzy back to life without her body. I can use my magic to create her body. Blood, organs and all."

"But that's you. You're the Scarlet Witch. You have the power to be able to do that. H-how is it even possible?"

I don't know how to answer Scott's question. They're all looking at me for answers I don't have. I've learned a lot over the past fifteen years but nothing of this caliber.

I could've chosen to learn more about the nogitsune but I didn't. Allison's death stuck to me like glue. It wrecked me. It's the reason I turned my humanity off. I didn't want to be reminded of that time.

"I don't have the answers you are wanting, okay?" I say. "We don't even know what will happen when she wakes up. We should focus on that."

My mom starts to talk about a plan when she does wake up. She hasn't woken up since we brought her here. She checked her vitals and everything looks okay but the situation definitely isn't.

I never thought I'd see her again. I thought my last memory of her would be seeing her get stabbed by an oni. And I wasn't even here to help avoid it.

I shake my head of the memory, looking behind my mom at her room. Scott must see the same thing I do because he walks around our mom, looking at the empty bed.

Our first stop is looking around the room. We separate to look around the hospital for her. I close my eyes, focusing on her mind.


I walk around the corner and find Malia on the ground. Scott chases after Allison. I run to Malia.

"You good?"

"Just go."

I run around the corner, Allison's holding a pair of scissors to Scott.


She turns around to me. I hold up my hands.

"W-where is he, Liv!"


"Derek! The Alpha!"

"Allison, I don't know."

She turns around, throwing the pair of scissors towards Scott's head. She runs past him. We run after her but don't find her. Deaton and Chris follow us outside.

"That woman may look like Allison but it doesn't mean that she is Allison."

"She didn't recognize me."

"Me either. But she saw me heal, she knows what I am."

"Why is she able to recognize me but not her father or.. the love of her life."

"When I told her my last name was McCall she looked like she was expecting something else."

"Hale." I say. "But you're the Alpha, Scott.. she still thinks Derek is the Alpha."

We all look at each other. This is all fucked. It makes no sense.

"Allison is a trained fighter. I mean she could probably kick my ass in straight combat." I say. "We gotta find her."

I realize that she's probably going after Derek. I was really hoping I could go unnoticed here without him or Elena knowing. I love them but I'd rather not them know I'm here.

"Fuck.. I gotta find Derek."

I throw a portal and walk through it. I look at the kids on the field, looking for the number eleven but seeing Eli nowhere. Not on the field and not on the bench. I look through the stands and don't see Derek either. Elena is also nowhere to be seen.

I walk towards Coach. He takes a double take and smiles. He points to me.

"I knew you would do great things, McCall. Look everyone I know an Avenger!"

"It's actually Stilinski now.." I say. "Where is my nephew?"

"Who is your nephew?"

"Eli Hale. Number eleven."

"Kid twisted his ankle. He's probably inside the locker room."


I walk towards the school. I stop for a moment and reminisce. I remember the days I dreaded leaving and becoming an Avenger. Now, I'm glad I did. It was the best decision I ever made.

I grab my neck in pain. It's Elena. I run into the school and go to the boys locker room. I stop when I see Allison holding an arrow to Derek. Elena is on the ground.

"Allison, don't!"

She moves her angle so the arrow is facing me.

"I don't want to hurt you, Liv."

"Killing him will hurt me." I say. "Please.. put the bow down."

In one swift motion, she moves the arrow back to Derek, shooting it. I freeze in the moment because I can't hurt her. Someone grabs the arrow before it reaches Derek.

Allison then goes to shoot another, this time I'm ready. I freeze the arrow mid air. I close my hand as it turns to dust. She looks at me almost betrayed.


I look over my shoulder at Scott. I turn back and realize it was Liam who grabbed the first arrow. He looks at me only for a few seconds before turning to Ashley beside him.

Ashley and my relationship has slowly turned to something I don't recognize. We used to be so close but I won't lie, everything changed when I left for New York when I promised it wouldn't.

She moved to Japan with Liam and we have minimal contact. She really only calls to talk to Liz and Allie. Same with Liam.

I look down at Derek, dropping to my knees to hold his neck. Scott's on the other side of him. I look up and Elena slowly walks towards us. Something seems so off about her. Almost like she doesn't have magic.

"Scott, get to Eli."

"Eli.." I look around. "D-did you see Eli?"

Liam shakes his head.

"He's not here."

"He was.. we.. we have a plan."

I try healing the wound on his neck but it's too deep.

"He'll go to the shop."

"Stop talking.." I look at Scott. "Go find Eli."

"But, Liv.."


Scott hesitates.

"It's not just Allison. It's the oni." Liam says. "It's the nogitsune."

"They're coming." Ashley says. "They're really already here."

"What do we do?"

I turn to Liam.

"Get to Stilinski and find Lydia."

He nods and runs out with Ashley.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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