The Siren's Story (Mr. October)

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I have been reading the Siren Island Series by Tricia O'Malley and this idea popped into my head. So, I swam with it. Get it. I don't own the picture. Might be my lock screen soon.

The story...

Time by the sea can heal a person a great deal. That is what October was hoping for when he booked a tiny cottage right in the rocky coast of the Pacific. Time to himself and healing for his mind. He had been at such go-go pace that he was not taking care of himself. A tightening in his chest with an unexplainable pain in his left shoulder had April dragging him to the E.R. with Madison's help.

The cause? Lack of sleep, too many energy drinks along with a poor diet of whatever was on hand to grab on the go. Under the doctor and his friends' order, he was to take a break. Not just a staycation either. Madison had family who owned a series of rentals on the coast of Oregon and snagged one with a heavy discount for him.

He agreed to about a week away, but he was still going to post short videos to let everyone know that he was okay. He packed clothes for the Oregon Summer shoreline, his laptop and a small pile of books that he had been meaning to read. His car was ready for the drive in the morning.

Half the day later and he was unlocking the small furnished cottage by the sea. The place was one bedroom with a small bathroom off the kitchen. Prefect for someone who needed to get away. October sat the bag of groceries that he got from the local grocery store on the rough-cut table. Next, he bought it his bags and took them to the bedroom. A wall of windows looked out to the water.

"Wow." He let an amazed whisper out, watching the waves roll about the sand and rocks. The salt air was already doing something to his head. It felt clearer. He unpacked everything.

Feeling like he needed to get outside and enjoy the weather, October grabbed the first book from his pile and headed to a stone bench that had been etched close to the water. Placing a reusable water bottle and a bag of health-ish snacks next to him, he made himself comfortable. Resting his glasses on his nose, he flipped the book open.

After a while, October felt like someone was there, just beyond the rocks. Over the edge of the book, he would catch glimpses of them peering from the stone. He licked his lips and began to read aloud. Whoever it was there, they seemed to be curious to what he was doing. After reading for a good minute, October heard a shuffling in the sand. He looked up from the book and had to catch himself for he was about to scream.

It was a siren, just ten feet from where he sat. Her moonlight pale skin made her large obsidian eyes stand out. Her face was nearly angelic if it was not for the razor sharp, pointed teeth behind her pale blue lips. Her thick hair was plastered wet against the front of her torso and was a brilliant shade of sapphire.

She was sitting there, staring to him unmoving. Her tail was a collection of shades of blue from the darkest starting along her waist and the sides to the lightest for the middle of the tail and her fins.

She lifted her hands, closed together. She mimicked the motion a book opening. Pointing at October, she touched her throat, moving her hand up and away from her mouth. October tilted his head at her, trying to understand what she wanted. Once again, she performed the mime.

"Oh, you want me to keep reading." October realized what she wanted. Smiling big, she nodded happily. October cleared his throat and resumed reading. The siren laid down on the sand, resting her head on her arms, looking up at him while he read.

Time passed and October looked out to the water, seeing the sun was soon to sink into the water. "I did not realize I had read for so long." October voiced. She rose up on her arms, looking surprised to see it was so late in the day. "I will return tomorrow. I promised." He told the siren.

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