The Twister Mat?

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Surebu looked up at her door from where she sat. She looked back over to the camera she was using to record herself and sighed, getting up and turning the device off before hiding it and heading over to the door.

She'd wanted a quiet afternoon after the chaos of the weekend. After the boys left, she'd been going back and forth from teacher and staff member, not one wanting to let her out of their sight after hearing what had happened. She'd barely managed to get her Sunday afternoon free to get this done. She needed to make this video before...

No... need to focus.

There in her doorway was none other than Kanimari Denki, a sad look on his face as he looked at the girl, a slight pout making its way to his lips. She was going to ask if he was okay, but she'd barely managed to open her mouth before he started flailing around, voice raised as he began questioning her.

She stood there, eyes wide and waited in hopes the blond would calm himself down even just the slightest.

A beat passed before Kaminari was once again looking at her intently, looking defeated.


The two stood in silence, Surebu staring at him with her eyebrows raised, mouth agape.

"Excuse me?" She managed to mutter out, hands moving behind herself as she hadn't got her gloves on yet, not thinking she'd be stuck in conversation just yet.

Kaminari took in a deep breath, looking to the floor. "I didn't exactly make you feel comfortable when you first started living here, and I'm sorry. I know it wasn't easy for you, and me acting the way I did only made it worse..."

"Oh Kami..." Surebu mumbled out, shaking her head. She took a few steps forwards and smiled at the poor boy. "I didn't make it easy on any of you either."

"Then why weren't we invited?" He finally asked, giving a slight glare in any direction at the very thought of being left out. Surebu tilted her head, not sure what he had meant and moved her hands, hoping to prompt the boy to continue. Denki let out a sigh, turning his gaze to Surebu. "I thought we were getting along a bit after capture the flag. I thought you were happy with us, so why weren't we invited to your birthday party?"

Surebu closed her eyes, everything suddenly seeming to click in her mind at the situation. She lifted her right hand to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose as she let out a groan, now realising that she had a situation to deal with. She took a moment to think through her options before looking back up to Kaminari with a look of determination.

"Would you mind letting everyone know I want to meet them in the kitchen first thing in the morning? I'd like to talk with everyone together about this."

Kaminari paused, looking confused. He had no idea what can of worms he'd just opened, yet he gave a slight nod. He looked down the hall, then back to Surebu and waited. The girl on the other hand smiled slightly, taking a deep breath.

"I will explain everything once everyone is all together. It's best to make sure you are all aware at once rather than have a game of telephones," her explanation had the other nodding in understanding. It made sense after all. A lot of what's gone wrong for this girl was just misunderstandings or people talking about her without any confirmation.

The boy smiled thinking it was probably the best option. He looked down the hall again then turned his head to her once more. At this Surebu tilted her head, confused as to why he was still there and what he was doing.

"Kiri says you come up with fun stuff to do. That true?" He finally asked staring at her intently. Surebu shrugged, not at all sure what this was going to lead to. "It was your idea to surf the staircase?"

"That is was..." She admitted with a slight nod. At this, Kaminari smiled. This made Surebu feel uneasy in her stomach. She knew enough about this boy through Bakugo, Midorya and Kirishima combined. This wasn't going to end well.

"Any games you got in mind that might be good to pass the time?" He asked, hands shaking in excitement. At this Surebu shrugged. She didn't really think she was all that good at coming up with games per say. Keeping herself entertained however. She was brilliant at that. She'd had to do it her whole life after all.

She saw the look in the boys eyes, he was hoping g for something, anything to come to her to keep his mind occupied. She sighed thinking. Something that Kami can do that won't negatively effect others? Gotta be something.

"Back when I was with the villains..." hearing g this, Kaminari's face instantly dropped, and Surebu understood. None of them really want to think of that time, yet she continued. "Toga had a twister mat. They'd all play twister from time to time. Try that?"

"Nah. We aren't allowed to play twister after the Mineta incident..." he mumbled out deflated. Surebu nodded, understanding what could have possibly happened. She'd already sorted through the most likely scenarios of what it could be and refused to confirm or deny her suspicion.

"We weren't allowed to play twister after Toga stopped turning the arrow and just said whatever she felt like. We still used the mat though," Surebu said, thinking out loud. At this Kaminari grew interested. His full attention was on the girl, and that wasn't an easy task for the boy.

Surebu went through the memory, recounting every detail of her last day with them. If she knew she wouldn't be with them anymore she would've given Toga a hug. Despite being a villain, they were so nice to her.

She'd mentioned how she'd used the mat for dancing like the arcade game and did a breakdance to whatever colours she heard the others say. It was a fond memory. One of the few that seemed to be growing in number these days.

Kaminari nodded along, humming in thought. "So just because it IS a twister mat don't mean I need to use it as a twister mat?" He asked in thought. At this Surebu nodded.

"Half the fun is finding something to do with it. Thinking outside the box and coming up with a whole new game to play!" Surebu seemed to grow excited, matching the energy Kaminari was giving off. The boy bowed his head slightly, thanking her before running off.

Surebu watched after the boy, smiling fondly. It's been a while since someone other than Aizawa has knocked on her door... all her friends only ever come in when she's with them. Including Shinsou. It was a nice surprise to see one of her classmates approach her for once... one she'll miss, that's for sure...

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